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Keep You (Volume 1)

par Lauren Gilley

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Told in both the "Then" and the "Now", the novel follows the story of Tameron Wales, a boy who had to grow up too fast because his mother needed him, and who drove away the love of his life on purpose so that he might spare her from the violent threat of his father. Joanna Walker, twenty-three and youngest of five, struggling to make ends meet post-grad, still doesn't understand exactly what happened four years ago when Tam left her standing up against her dorm building, in the rain, like something out of a bad made-for-TV movie. She only knows that her brother Mike's wedding - an extravagant, farcical Irish castle ordeal ordered by his fianc#65533;e - will reunite her with Tam. The only thing more painful than remembering how it all ended is seeing him again. Jo Walker is the kind of girl who knows what she wants out of life, and she's always wanted Tam, even if she kind of hates him a little bit right now.The first volume in a trilogy, "Keep You" introduces five siblings and explores their somtimes-messy connections with one another. Venturing beyond the strict boundaries of a romance, the novel explores all the heartbreaks and hopes of a family.Look for the sequel "Dream of You" now for sale.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parTina500, SheLovesMaisie

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Told in both the "Then" and the "Now", the novel follows the story of Tameron Wales, a boy who had to grow up too fast because his mother needed him, and who drove away the love of his life on purpose so that he might spare her from the violent threat of his father. Joanna Walker, twenty-three and youngest of five, struggling to make ends meet post-grad, still doesn't understand exactly what happened four years ago when Tam left her standing up against her dorm building, in the rain, like something out of a bad made-for-TV movie. She only knows that her brother Mike's wedding - an extravagant, farcical Irish castle ordeal ordered by his fianc#65533;e - will reunite her with Tam. The only thing more painful than remembering how it all ended is seeing him again. Jo Walker is the kind of girl who knows what she wants out of life, and she's always wanted Tam, even if she kind of hates him a little bit right now.The first volume in a trilogy, "Keep You" introduces five siblings and explores their somtimes-messy connections with one another. Venturing beyond the strict boundaries of a romance, the novel explores all the heartbreaks and hopes of a family.Look for the sequel "Dream of You" now for sale.

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