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Planning Your Internet Marketing Strategy: A Doctor Ebiz Guide

par Ralph F. Wilson

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A top international authority on Web marketing and e-commerceprovides a sure-fire formula for developing a winning e-commercemarketing strategy One of the biggest reasons why so many Internet-based businessesfail isn't poor product or service, or technology failures, or evenlack of funding. As Internet marketing guru Ralph F. Wilsonexplains in this ground-breaking book, a preponderance ofe-business failures can be traced back to a lack of know- ledgeabout the Internet's full potential as a marketing and sales tool.With the help of case studies of outstanding e-business successesand failures, Wilson describes how to develop four, core e-businessmarketing competencies. Readers learn how to develop a USP, clarifygoals, and perform analysis and customer profiling. They also learnhow to perform product positioning; develop a balanced promotionalmix; provide lifetime customer value; and much more. Ralph F. Wilson (Loomis, CA) is the founding editor of threepopular e-business publications read by 130,000 subscribers in 130countries: Web Marketing Today, Web Commerce Today, and DoctorEbiz.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté paradventurer773, mgoethel, Quirk, keitha

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A top international authority on Web marketing and e-commerceprovides a sure-fire formula for developing a winning e-commercemarketing strategy One of the biggest reasons why so many Internet-based businessesfail isn't poor product or service, or technology failures, or evenlack of funding. As Internet marketing guru Ralph F. Wilsonexplains in this ground-breaking book, a preponderance ofe-business failures can be traced back to a lack of know- ledgeabout the Internet's full potential as a marketing and sales tool.With the help of case studies of outstanding e-business successesand failures, Wilson describes how to develop four, core e-businessmarketing competencies. Readers learn how to develop a USP, clarifygoals, and perform analysis and customer profiling. They also learnhow to perform product positioning; develop a balanced promotionalmix; provide lifetime customer value; and much more. Ralph F. Wilson (Loomis, CA) is the founding editor of threepopular e-business publications read by 130,000 subscribers in 130countries: Web Marketing Today, Web Commerce Today, and DoctorEbiz.

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