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Look Inside Your Body par Louie Stowell

Look Inside Your Body (édition 2013)

par Louie Stowell (Auteur)

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Simple text and flaps to open offer an introduction to the various parts of the human body and how they work together.
Titre:Look Inside Your Body
Auteurs:Louie Stowell (Auteur)
Info:Usborne (2013)
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Usborne Look Inside Your Body par Louie Stowell


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5 sur 5
An excellent way for kids to explore (together or with a grown-up) inside the human body. Topics covered include eating food (the digestive system), staying alive (heart and lungs), your bones and muscles, your brain, your senses, and growing and healing. The many lift-the-flaps keep it interesting, and the book does not necessarily have to be read in any order. The language is appropriate for even quite young children to understand, but some more advanced vocabulary (diaphragm, oxygen) is included as well. ( )
  JennyArch | Jan 16, 2021 |
This book is also a perfect fit for a science class and learning about the body. This book has so much information about the body and systems. The book also has hundreds of flaps for the students to learn more information. ( )
  ogonzales | Nov 13, 2019 |
An interactive book that shows the different parts of your body. Kids will be able to read about what goes on inside your body, which would be great for older ages to learn biology. I love how it uses the flaps to understand exactly where these items are located. ( )
  RikkiPerkins | Apr 25, 2018 |
In Look Inside Your Body, they talk about brains and blood to senses and skin. Children will love exploring the inside and outside of the human body with this fantastic interactive book.

Pierce County Library (3-5)
1 voter Alexandria1013 | Jun 2, 2016 |
Katie and Josh
  LoBiancoBuzzard | Apr 4, 2017 |
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Simple text and flaps to open offer an introduction to the various parts of the human body and how they work together.

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612Technology Medicine and health Human physiology


Moyenne: (4.75)
4 1
5 3

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