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Freed to Kill: The True Story of Serial…

Freed to Kill: The True Story of Serial Murderer Larry Eyler (édition 2012)

par Gera-Lind Kolarik (Auteur)

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True Crime. Nonfiction. HTML:

Larry W. Eyler was caught in 1983, accused of being the "homosexual highway killer," responsible for 22 murders in three states. Unbelievably, he was indicted for just one killing and spent three months in jail before an Illinois judge determined that the overwhelming evidence against him was tainted. He was released. Six months later Eyler was caught again. This time he was accused of a brutal, unimaginable murder of a 15-year-old street hustler. Crime journalist Gera-Lind Kolarik was the first person to recognize the killer's hunting pattern, which crossed state lines - she alerted the Illinois Lake County sheriff, thus initiating a crucial turn in the investigation. In Freed to Kill, Kolarik with journalist Wayne Klatt intelligently examines the story of Eyler and his victims and investigates the institutions and officials that allowed Eyler a chance to hunt again.

.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Freed to Kill: The True Story of Serial Murderer Larry Eyler
Auteurs:Gera-Lind Kolarik (Auteur)
Info:Garrett County Press (2012), 462 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque, À lire

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Freed to Kill: The True Story of Serial Murderer Larry Eyler par Gera-Lind Kolarik


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Very well written but the story did make me angry. Had to keep on reading though and glad I did. So sad that this could happen.. ( )
  Marlene-NL | Apr 12, 2013 |
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True Crime. Nonfiction. HTML:

Larry W. Eyler was caught in 1983, accused of being the "homosexual highway killer," responsible for 22 murders in three states. Unbelievably, he was indicted for just one killing and spent three months in jail before an Illinois judge determined that the overwhelming evidence against him was tainted. He was released. Six months later Eyler was caught again. This time he was accused of a brutal, unimaginable murder of a 15-year-old street hustler. Crime journalist Gera-Lind Kolarik was the first person to recognize the killer's hunting pattern, which crossed state lines - she alerted the Illinois Lake County sheriff, thus initiating a crucial turn in the investigation. In Freed to Kill, Kolarik with journalist Wayne Klatt intelligently examines the story of Eyler and his victims and investigates the institutions and officials that allowed Eyler a chance to hunt again.


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