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Already dead par Stephen Booth

Already dead (original 2013; édition 2013)

par Stephen Booth

Séries: Cooper and Fry (13)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
1687168,255 (3.82)2
Fiction. Mystery. Thriller. HTML:

Some sins won't wash away ...

A summer of endless rain in the Peak District leaves the officers of Derbyshire's criminal investigation department with a problem. They have discovered a man's body lying in shallow water, but torrential downpours have swollen the rivers and flooded the roads, making travel difficult and forensic examination impossible.

And that's not all. The absence of Detective Cooper, on extended leave after an arson attack, has left a serious gap. Detective Fry is a reluctant temporary replacement, but now their makeshift team is about to be tested to the limit. The fatal events of one damp August night are likely to remain shrouded in mystery if they can't track down a car glimpsed only as a dark outline in the rain by a passerby.

When the drops turn into a deluge, loyalties among the officers will be put under intolerable strain as they try to solve their toughest case yet. And that's before it emerges that Detective Cooper is not at home recuperating, but has vanished into thin air ...

… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Already dead
Auteurs:Stephen Booth
Info:London : Sphere, 2013
Collections:Books, Votre bibliothèque, À lire

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Already Dead par Stephen Booth (2013)


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Ben Cooper trying to heal after what happened in the previous book. But also the effects of too much rain, flooding etc. ( )
  crichine | Jul 14, 2014 |
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Glen Turner awoke to a drowned world.
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Fiction. Mystery. Thriller. HTML:

Some sins won't wash away ...

A summer of endless rain in the Peak District leaves the officers of Derbyshire's criminal investigation department with a problem. They have discovered a man's body lying in shallow water, but torrential downpours have swollen the rivers and flooded the roads, making travel difficult and forensic examination impossible.

And that's not all. The absence of Detective Cooper, on extended leave after an arson attack, has left a serious gap. Detective Fry is a reluctant temporary replacement, but now their makeshift team is about to be tested to the limit. The fatal events of one damp August night are likely to remain shrouded in mystery if they can't track down a car glimpsed only as a dark outline in the rain by a passerby.

When the drops turn into a deluge, loyalties among the officers will be put under intolerable strain as they try to solve their toughest case yet. And that's before it emerges that Detective Cooper is not at home recuperating, but has vanished into thin air ...


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Stephen Booth est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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Moyenne: (3.82)
2 3
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3.5 6
4 10
4.5 2
5 9


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