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Dark Moonlighting par Scott Haworth

Dark Moonlighting (édition 2013)

par Scott Haworth

Séries: Dark Moonlighting (1)

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7211381,207 (3.97)1
Nick Whittier, having been alive for six centuries, has had plenty of time to master three professions. In a typical week he works as a police officer, lawyer and doctor and still finds time to murder someone and drink their blood. He used to feel guilty about the killings, but now he restricts himself to only eating the worst members of society. Few people in Starside, Illinois seem to care about the untimely deaths of spam e-mailers, pushy Jehovah Witnesses and politicians. However, the barriers between Nick's three secret lives start to crumble when a mysterious man from his past arrives in town seeking revenge. Nick must move quickly to prevent the three women in his life, and the authorities who are hunting him, from discovering his terrible secret. Dark Moonlighting is the first book in the humorous series. It explores four of the biggest cliche?s in popular culture, and it pokes fun at a number of popular television shows including Law & Order, Bones and House. It also takes a more realistic and amusing approach to the vampire cliche?. For example, the average human has the equivalent of five Big Gulps worth of blood in their body. Nick takes twenty minutes to kill someone and, like the vampire bat, must immediately urinate afterwards. The Dark Moonlighting Series: Dark Moonlighting Dark Moonlighting 2: Kruse Control Dark Moonlighting 3: Live Free or Dark Moonlighting Hard Dark Moonlighting 4: The One with the Whales Dark Moonlighting 5: Electric Dark Moonlightingaloo… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Dark Moonlighting
Auteurs:Scott Haworth
Info:Scott Haworth (2013), Kindle Edition, 201 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Dark Moonlighting par Scott Haworth


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“You love me? You barely even know me.”

“So?” I argued. “Love doesn’t take months of familiarity... especially when vampires are involved. With vampires it always seems to happen inexplicably quickly.”

That was the line that made me laugh the hardest, but there were lots of funny ones :). A fun read. I plan to read the next one. ( )
  readingtangent | May 22, 2023 |
Well written, very engaging. I enjoyed the vampire aspects that were different than the norm. Very funny throughout, too. ( )
  monogodo | Sep 15, 2020 |
More tongue-in-cheek than fang-in-neck. This is a clever, well written and fun-to-read vampire saga that should appeal to those who don't even like vampire sagas. Haworth is an indie author after my own heart-- as long as his quirky, six-century-old protagonist leaves my blood alone. ( )
  DonnaCallea | Nov 29, 2014 |
A light and funny take on how a vampire may manage to survive in the modern world, crammed with pop culture references, and with many vampire tropes debunked or humorously played straight to sometime less than glamorous consequences (Those two liters of blood someone just drank ? Oh, woops...). ( )
  Jarandel | May 4, 2014 |
I was looking for a different vampire storyline and I found it. Well worth the time. I liked how the main character looked at life, and how he chose to live it. You could do an entire semester of philosophy or humanities on this book alone. I especially loved the ending, blew me right out of the water. I will defiantly read more of this authors work! ( )
  CarolTilson | Jul 16, 2013 |
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Nick Whittier, having been alive for six centuries, has had plenty of time to master three professions. In a typical week he works as a police officer, lawyer and doctor and still finds time to murder someone and drink their blood. He used to feel guilty about the killings, but now he restricts himself to only eating the worst members of society. Few people in Starside, Illinois seem to care about the untimely deaths of spam e-mailers, pushy Jehovah Witnesses and politicians. However, the barriers between Nick's three secret lives start to crumble when a mysterious man from his past arrives in town seeking revenge. Nick must move quickly to prevent the three women in his life, and the authorities who are hunting him, from discovering his terrible secret. Dark Moonlighting is the first book in the humorous series. It explores four of the biggest cliche?s in popular culture, and it pokes fun at a number of popular television shows including Law & Order, Bones and House. It also takes a more realistic and amusing approach to the vampire cliche?. For example, the average human has the equivalent of five Big Gulps worth of blood in their body. Nick takes twenty minutes to kill someone and, like the vampire bat, must immediately urinate afterwards. The Dark Moonlighting Series: Dark Moonlighting Dark Moonlighting 2: Kruse Control Dark Moonlighting 3: Live Free or Dark Moonlighting Hard Dark Moonlighting 4: The One with the Whales Dark Moonlighting 5: Electric Dark Moonlightingaloo

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Scott Haworth est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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