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Wreck Me (Wrecked, #1) par J.L. Mac

Wreck Me (Wrecked, #1) (édition 2013)

par J.L. Mac

Séries: Wrecked (1)

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Life can be cruel. People can be ruthless and evil. The world can be cold and uninviting. No one knows these things better than Josephine Geroux. By her own definition, she is a twenty-five-year-old 'nobody with nothing,' and she is content to stay that way. Growing up an orphan has made her tough and indifferent to the people around her, until she meets a strangely familiar man with a face that haunts her for reasons she can't understand. Despite the pain that will inevitably ensue, she makes it her mission to discover what parts of her tragic puzzle she is missing. On her journey to discovering why she feels an alarming connection to an absolute stranger, her greatest fear is reawakening the demons and darkness from the past that will surely overtake her if she lets her guard down. Little does Josephine know that the past should be the least of her worries. She is toying with a man who has already broken her heart once. She just doesn't realize it. Although she makes it a point to avoid interactions with others, Josephine's life becomes entangled with the enigmatic stranger. Before she realizes it, she has given herself over to the one person who is close enough to wreck her.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Wreck Me (Wrecked, #1)
Auteurs:J.L. Mac
Info:J.L. Mac Books, Nook, 287 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Wreck Me (Wrecked, #1) par J.L. Mac


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Ahhh!! Cliffhanger you got me good!

Wreck me was good, really good. Jo was SO angst's amazing she was functional. She had lived through hell and was still going. When you lose everything, at such a young do you survive. I guess for Jo, you harden and put up walls so high they are almost impenetrable. Until they aren't.

Damnon bursts into Jo's life in a big way. He is alpha to the core and he is convinced beyond any doubt that he and Jo are meant to be together.

“You may not realize it yet, but you’re mine. Not because I am claiming you. You’re mine because that’s how it is.”

Damon breaks through Jo's walls and makes her feel for the first time in her adult life. He shows her that love is possible and there may be a life outside of the hardened one she has created for herself.

Except Damon has a secret. A secret that has the ability to wreck Jo completely.

This book was a lot like 10 Tiny Breaths, which I also loved. The theme of the person you think you should hate most in the world being the person that may save you from yourself is running through both.

I am DYING to get my hands on the next book, the ending of this one left me just...speechless and stressed out! ( )
  Kate.Good | Jul 3, 2014 |
Ahhh!! Cliffhanger you got me good!

Wreck me was good, really good. Jo was SO angst's amazing she was functional. She had lived through hell and was still going. When you lose everything, at such a young do you survive. I guess for Jo, you harden and put up walls so high they are almost impenetrable. Until they aren't.

Damnon bursts into Jo's life in a big way. He is alpha to the core and he is convinced beyond any doubt that he and Jo are meant to be together.

“You may not realize it yet, but you’re mine. Not because I am claiming you. You’re mine because that’s how it is.”

Damon breaks through Jo's walls and makes her feel for the first time in her adult life. He shows her that love is possible and there may be a life outside of the hardened one she has created for herself.

Except Damon has a secret. A secret that has the ability to wreck Jo completely.

This book was a lot like 10 Tiny Breaths, which I also loved. The theme of the person you think you should hate most in the world being the person that may save you from yourself is running through both.

I am DYING to get my hands on the next book, the ending of this one left me just...speechless and stressed out! ( )
  Kate.Good | Jul 3, 2014 |
I loved this book but it did have the same bombshell as "Ten Tiny Breaths" however that book is more of a YA book no hot sex until this book. I love Josephine she is a BA and I feel sorry for her just the same since she has no one - not even a friend beside Sutton thankfully she had him. What's not to love about Damon really she is super hot, rich & just a nice guy. He sweeps in and breaks down Josephine's walls and she finally has someone who loves her. Lot's of hot steamy sex! Now the ending well it's a heart breaker! I am glad I put off reading this book since book 2 "Restore Me" comes out March 27, 2013!.


"Apologies are just a reminder of how selfish people are."

"Why in the world do you have wrist candy and drive a pickup truck?"

"I feel like I waited my whole life to find you."

"Her over glossed pink lips crinkle up and look far too much like an overused and abused vagina."

"He's a dirty scoundrel. I love it."
( )
  iloveladyporn | Dec 6, 2013 |
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Life can be cruel. People can be ruthless and evil. The world can be cold and uninviting. No one knows these things better than Josephine Geroux. By her own definition, she is a twenty-five-year-old 'nobody with nothing,' and she is content to stay that way. Growing up an orphan has made her tough and indifferent to the people around her, until she meets a strangely familiar man with a face that haunts her for reasons she can't understand. Despite the pain that will inevitably ensue, she makes it her mission to discover what parts of her tragic puzzle she is missing. On her journey to discovering why she feels an alarming connection to an absolute stranger, her greatest fear is reawakening the demons and darkness from the past that will surely overtake her if she lets her guard down. Little does Josephine know that the past should be the least of her worries. She is toying with a man who has already broken her heart once. She just doesn't realize it. Although she makes it a point to avoid interactions with others, Josephine's life becomes entangled with the enigmatic stranger. Before she realizes it, she has given herself over to the one person who is close enough to wreck her.

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