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We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves (2013)

par Karen Joy Fowler

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3,7472473,470 (3.82)2 / 301
Coming of age in middle America, eighteen-year-old Rosemary evaluates how her entire youth was defined by the presence and forced removal of an endearing chimpanzee who was secretly regarded as a family member and who Rosemary loved as a sister.
  1. 40
    Auprès de moi toujours par Kazuo Ishiguro (BookshelfMonstrosity)
    BookshelfMonstrosity: Though it is less witty than We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves, Never Let Me Go is another poignant and insightful story about biological experimentation and human identity. Both novels feature lyrical prose, well-developed characterization, and haunting tones of melancholy.… (plus d'informations)
  2. 11
    Une oeuvre déchirante d'un génie renversant par Dave Eggers (Laura1124)
  3. 11
    The Evolution of Bruno Littlemore par Benjamin Hale (vwinsloe)
  4. 00
    Come, Thou Tortoise par Jessica Grant (JenMDB)
  5. 00
    Cette vie ou une autre par Dan Chaon (Ciruelo)
  6. 00
    La maison des singes par Sara Gruen (cataylor)
    cataylor: animal rights
  7. 00
    We Love You, Charlie Freeman par Kaitlyn Greenidge (susanbooks)
    susanbooks: They’re both so good, but kind of alike, so don’t read them back to back.
  8. 34
    L'hôtel New Hampshire par John Irving (Limelite)
    Limelite: Eccentric family members, family dynamics, coming of age, with an animal in the middle of it all, only not a bear in Fowler's novel. Two intelligent and original novels of similar experimentalism and high quality.
  9. 01
    Une rivière sur la lune par Barbara Kingsolver (Aquila)
    Aquila: I can't really say what links these books in my mind, it's just something about the way they make me feel.
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    L'âge de l'empathie : Leçons de nature pour une société plus apaisée par Frans de Waal (marieke54)
  11. 02
    L'Ecole des chimpanzés. Ce qu'ils nous apprennent sur l'homme par Roger Fouts (marieke54)
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    The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory par Carol J. Adams (susanbooks)

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» Voir aussi les 301 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 248 (suivant | tout afficher)
Rosemary Cooke was, until she was 5, a very chatty child, and also a twin. And then something happened in her family that resulted in her sister, Fern, disappearing and Rosemary gradually losing her voice. She tells her story in bits and pieces, starting in the middle and working her way slowly round to some big reveals.

I’m not at all sure why I, at some point, thought I wanted to read this book (which is how it must have made it onto my wishlist). It’s not in any way my usual thing, and, true to form, it didn’t work for me. It’s way too sad – there’s animal cruelty in spades – and there’s now real trade-off for the suffering it inflicts on the reader (as far as I’m concerned). Blech. ( )
  electrascaife | Aug 26, 2024 |
We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves is a tricky book to write about without giving too much away.

Rosemary has an idyllic childhood, growing up on a farm with her parents, older brother Lowell and sister Fern until one day, aged 5, everything changes when she returns home from her grandparents to discover that Fern has disappeared.

The story starts in the middle, where Rosemary is a college student at UC Davis. This is my favourite part of the novel - Ezra Metzger, the conspiracy-theorist and uber-conscientious caretaker and Madame Defarge, the ventriloquist’s dummy who rocks up in the wrong suitcase, being my most loved characters after Fern.

All the characters are really well portrayed, if not very likeable, from roommate Todd to ‘psycho bitch’ Harlow, from Grandma Fredericka and her daytime TV to Grandma Donna and her aversion to Rosemary’s father.

There were bits that made me smile, the dysfunctional family dynamic felt very real, the ending is extremely moving but above all, the central theme - a psychologist using his child as a scientific experiment, is challenging, thought-provoking and moving, the consequences horrific, shocking and heart-breaking.

Guilt and responsibility, love and jealousy and one heck of a twist! ( )
1 voter geraldine_croft | Aug 21, 2024 |
Rosemary tells the story of growing up in her family with her brother, sister, imaginary twin sister, and parents. Her father is a professor of behavioral psychology. She starts the story in the middle, jumps around a bit, and eventually makes it through the beginning and the end. The most important milestone in her life is when her sister leaves.

This novel pulled at my heartstrings. It was funny, sad and a page-turner all at the same time. And I learned a lot. ( )
  LisaMorr | Feb 12, 2024 |
Hmmm. Torn between three and four and choosing to round down.

Interesting, sad, upsetting but somehow all oddly clinical and detached. I felt bad for just about everyone involved in this story and I liked the framework and the odd timeline but I did not enjoy the middle sections when Rosie was in college and getting into trouble with Harlow.

I wanted to know much much more about life with Fern.

I think I have to dig out my copy of Ape House (a book I bought but never actually read) and maybe some non-fiction about chimpanzees too. ( )
  hmonkeyreads | Jan 25, 2024 |
I really enjoyed this, however, I thought I was reading a noirish dark thriller type of novel. Turns out, I was reading a book about monkeys.
It's still great, but definitely not what it was sold to me as. ( )
  kimlovesstuff | Dec 31, 2023 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 248 (suivant | tout afficher)
Fowler, best known for her novel “The Jane Austen Book Club,” is a trustworthy guide through many complex territories: the historical allure and dicey ethics of experimental psychology, not to mention academic families and the college towns of Bloomington and Davis.

» Ajouter d'autres auteur(e)s (9 possibles)

Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Karen Joy Fowlerauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Berna, LauraTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
del Rey, SantiagoTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Falk, CeciliaTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Hegedűs Péter,Traducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Hirata, GeniTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Ingendaay, MarcusTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Karhulahti, SariTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Lalechère, KarineTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Mangold, KatharineNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Scherpenisse, WimTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Turró, AnnaTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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... Your experience as apes, gentlemen—to the extent that you have something of that sort behind you—cannot be more distant from you than mine is from me. But it tickles at the heels of everyone who walks here on earth, the small chimpanzee as well as the great Achilles.

—Franz Kafka, "A Report for an Academy"
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the wonderful Wendy Weil,
champion of books, animals,
and, in both categories, me
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Those who know me now will be surprised to learn that I was a great talker as a child. (Prologue)
So the middle of my story comes in the winter of 1996.
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What I found in books was daughters indulged and daughters oppressed, daughters who spoke loudly and daughters made silent. I found daughters imprisoned in towers, beaten and treated as servants, beloved daughters sent off to keep house for hideous  monsters. Mostly, when girls were sent away, they were orphans, like Jane Eyre and Anne Shirley, but not always. Gretel was taken with her brother into the forest and abandoned there. Dicey Tillerman was left with her siblings in a parking lot at a shopping mall. Sara Crewe, whose father adored her, was still sent away to live at school without him. All in all, there was a wide range of possibility, and Fern's treatment fit easily inside it.
Where you succeed will never matter so much as where you fail.
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Coming of age in middle America, eighteen-year-old Rosemary evaluates how her entire youth was defined by the presence and forced removal of an endearing chimpanzee who was secretly regarded as a family member and who Rosemary loved as a sister.

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1.5 3
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3 254
3.5 97
4 468
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