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Penang Nyonya Cooking

par Cecilia Tan

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Penang Nyonya cuisine is distinctive in its flavours, combining many taste sensations - tangy, spicy, sour, sweet... With a culinary tradition spanning many generations, Penang Nyonya cooking, like its gastronomic cousins in Melaka and Singapore, is a creative fusion of Chinese and Malay cuisines. Penang Nyonya cuisine also draws on the best of Thai and Indian cooking, resulting in a host of inimitably fascinating dishes. That some of these dishes have become favourites throughout the region is a testament to the irresistibility and popularity of Penang Nyonya food. Penang Nyonya Cooking - Foods of My Childhoodwas first published in 1983 and reprinted many times over the ensuing years. This new edition boasts a fresh layout bolstered by new photographs and recipes that have been adapted to an easy-to-use format. With the revamp, it is hoped that interest in heritage cooking unique to this part of the world will grow through another generation of readers and into the twentyfirst century. This delightful volume of recipes will excite both the cooking professionals and the novices - whipping out Nyonya delicacies is now a pleasureable and delightful experience.… (plus d'informations)

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Penang Nyonya cuisine is distinctive in its flavours, combining many taste sensations - tangy, spicy, sour, sweet... With a culinary tradition spanning many generations, Penang Nyonya cooking, like its gastronomic cousins in Melaka and Singapore, is a creative fusion of Chinese and Malay cuisines. Penang Nyonya cuisine also draws on the best of Thai and Indian cooking, resulting in a host of inimitably fascinating dishes. That some of these dishes have become favourites throughout the region is a testament to the irresistibility and popularity of Penang Nyonya food. Penang Nyonya Cooking - Foods of My Childhoodwas first published in 1983 and reprinted many times over the ensuing years. This new edition boasts a fresh layout bolstered by new photographs and recipes that have been adapted to an easy-to-use format. With the revamp, it is hoped that interest in heritage cooking unique to this part of the world will grow through another generation of readers and into the twentyfirst century. This delightful volume of recipes will excite both the cooking professionals and the novices - whipping out Nyonya delicacies is now a pleasureable and delightful experience.

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