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Touching the Moon par Lisa M. Airey

Touching the Moon (édition 2012)

par Lisa M. Airey

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Escaping her abusive past, a woman settles in a small town and finds herself pursued by two men--and protected by a mysterious wolf. A veterinarian by training and a gifted healer by nature, Julie Hastings escapes to rural South Dakota, hoping to escape past traumas and start over. What she finds instead are two men who suddenly rival for her attention: one the overprotective chief of police, the other a powerful member of the Sioux Indian nation. Each man longs to help Julie find the peace she desperately needs--a serenity that is shattered when a brutal murder rocks the neighborhood. Trusting people is not in Julie's nature, so when a mysterious wolf befriends her, she leans into his protective animal instincts. Until the shocking truth about her beastly protector shakes her to the core, shattering everything she once understood about love.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Touching the Moon
Auteurs:Lisa M. Airey
Info:Aakenbaaken & Kent (2012), Paperback, 272 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Touching the Moon par Lisa M. Airey


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Touching the Moon is a well-written, heartwarming story about a young woman making a home for herself in the wilds of South Dakota. While the novel is a paranormal romance, it is very firmly grounded in the real world, which I found refreshing and rejuvinating. I never thought a paranormal romance novel would be a cure for homesickness, but this one definitely is! The small-town charm, great characters and FABULOUS dialogue kept me reading straight through. Truly, a wonderful story. Can't wait for the sequel! ( )
1 voter Sageturtle | Jan 10, 2013 |
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Escaping her abusive past, a woman settles in a small town and finds herself pursued by two men--and protected by a mysterious wolf. A veterinarian by training and a gifted healer by nature, Julie Hastings escapes to rural South Dakota, hoping to escape past traumas and start over. What she finds instead are two men who suddenly rival for her attention: one the overprotective chief of police, the other a powerful member of the Sioux Indian nation. Each man longs to help Julie find the peace she desperately needs--a serenity that is shattered when a brutal murder rocks the neighborhood. Trusting people is not in Julie's nature, so when a mysterious wolf befriends her, she leans into his protective animal instincts. Until the shocking truth about her beastly protector shakes her to the core, shattering everything she once understood about love.

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