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Macdonald Hall #4: The Wizzle War par Gordon…

Macdonald Hall #4: The Wizzle War (original 1982; édition 2003)

par Gordon Korman (Auteur)

Séries: Bruno and Boots (4)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
393467,085 (3.97)3
Juvenile Fiction. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:

Gordon Korman's classic, bestselling series celebrates its 35th anniversary!

Macdonald Hall's ivy-covered buildings have housed and educated many fine young Canadians. But Bruno Walton and Boots O'Neal are far from being fine young Canadians. The roommates and best friends are nothing but trouble! Together they've snuck out after lights-out, swapped flags, kidnapped mascots . . . and that's only the beginning.

Macdonald Hall is under attack. Where once tradition and freedom of speech ruled the campus, now there is a dress code (ties even), psychological tests for all students, and surprise dorm inspections — all brought to Macdonald Hall in the name of progress by Mr. Wizzle. Are the students of the Hall going to stand for it? Not on your life . . . Mr. Wizzle doesn't stand a chance against the Committee. Wizzle must go!

Join two of Gordon Korman's most memorable characters in seven side-splitting, rip-roaring adventures! Macdonald Hall is the series that started it all, and thirty-five years later it remains a must-read for old fans and new, the young — and the young at heart.

… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Macdonald Hall #4: The Wizzle War
Auteurs:Gordon Korman (Auteur)
Info:Scholastic Canada (2003), 160 pages
Collections:Secondary Rising Readers Library

Information sur l'oeuvre

The War With Mr. Wizzle par Gordon Korman (1982)


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4 sur 4
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
For the life of me I cannot remember where or when I read this series but I KNOW I did. I'm awful.
  erinla | Oct 31, 2017 |
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For my friends in New York. If we are the future, can the world survive?
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"He's not going to like it," Boots O'Neal said nervously to Wilbur Hackenschleimer and Larry Wilson. 
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"You identify the enemy, and then you fight!"
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Juvenile Fiction. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:

Gordon Korman's classic, bestselling series celebrates its 35th anniversary!

Macdonald Hall's ivy-covered buildings have housed and educated many fine young Canadians. But Bruno Walton and Boots O'Neal are far from being fine young Canadians. The roommates and best friends are nothing but trouble! Together they've snuck out after lights-out, swapped flags, kidnapped mascots . . . and that's only the beginning.

Macdonald Hall is under attack. Where once tradition and freedom of speech ruled the campus, now there is a dress code (ties even), psychological tests for all students, and surprise dorm inspections — all brought to Macdonald Hall in the name of progress by Mr. Wizzle. Are the students of the Hall going to stand for it? Not on your life . . . Mr. Wizzle doesn't stand a chance against the Committee. Wizzle must go!

Join two of Gordon Korman's most memorable characters in seven side-splitting, rip-roaring adventures! Macdonald Hall is the series that started it all, and thirty-five years later it remains a must-read for old fans and new, the young — and the young at heart.


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