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Alone: The Girl in the Box, Book 1 par…

Alone: The Girl in the Box, Book 1 (édition 2012)

par Robert J. Crane (Auteur)

Séries: Girl in the Box (1)

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27112101,772 (3.49)1
Sienna Nealon was a 17-year-old girl who had been held prisoner in her own house by her mother for twelve years. Then one day her mother vanished, and Sienna woke up to find two strange men in her home.
Titre:Alone: The Girl in the Box, Book 1
Auteurs:Robert J. Crane (Auteur)
Info:CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (2012), 180 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Alone par Robert J. Crane


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If you're looking for a book that is hard to put down, grips you from the start, continually holds you on the brink of suspense, and is both easy and fast to read--you found it here. Alone: The Girl in the Box, book 1 in a series, kept my interest clear to the end. The main character, Sienna Nealon, is a strong, sassy force to be reckoned with. Despite the rude and defensive exterior that in the real world would make her easy to despise, the author highlights enough of her inner struggles and weaknesses, her simple hopes and empathetic heart, to make her lovable. If you have an aversion to exsessive violence, this book might not be your cup of tea. ( )
  REGoodrich | Jun 22, 2023 |
Not as bad as a lot of the reviews made it out to be. Sure, this is a total X-Men ripoff in theory, but since the mysterious M-Squad is never around, it's more a mutant origin story. I think the biggest weakness of the book is the character herself. How amazingly angsty and cutting she is for someone who was basically a beaten down prisoner. It wasn't believable.

The book is just a setup, though, and for that it did a fine job. We have a sense of who the main character is now, and how she came to be such a complex creature. It's almost enough to make me want to read the next one. Almost. ( )
  jamestomasino | Sep 11, 2021 |
This is the first book in the series and it starts out fantastic. It's about a girl named Sienna who has been kept in her mom's house like a prisoner and she has never been allowed to leave. The book starts with Sienna's mom being away from the house for a long while and Sienna finding two men in her home trying to take her away. This is the start of Sienna trying to figure out who these people are, what happened to her mother, and trying to deal with an fierce creature named Wolfe. And she has to figure why all these people are trying to come after her.

I really loved this book and last I saw it is still for free on Amazon, which is where I got it from. I was pleasantly surprised to like it. ( )
  payday1999 | Dec 8, 2020 |
Sienna is a young Meta Human with extraordinary skills and unknown dimensions of abilities yet to be discovered. She's been kept hidden away in a house, by her mother, for her entire short life. One day her mother doesn't return home, and two men are in her house and trying to capture her. She demolishes them, then she's introduced to a world of unimaginable monsters and people who want to treat her like a guinea pig.
The story is fast paced and gritty with a balanced proportion of Sci-Fi and supernatural, without the usual suspects one tends to finds in books of this genre.
I found Robert Cranes book engrossing, perhaps because the main character wasn't your typical little girl please feel sorry for me type. Instead she's a tough as nails young woman, with a smart-alec attitude, but she still managed to act with the carelessness of an inexperienced youth.

I thought the ending was great. I only hope that in the future books in the series, that Sienna might find out what happened to her mother (although I think she's probably better off without her), and accomplish all the "firsts" in her life that any young girl should be able to do (be kissed for the first time, go out on a date, go to a movie with Zack. etc.) Anyway, I look forward to reading the next book in the series, Untouched and find out where the author will take the story.
Jack Murphy ( )
  urph818 | Mar 6, 2016 |
I downloaded this mainly because it was in a 'box' set and it was free for the day. I honestly wasn't overly intrigued by the books to begin with, but I was bored, my internet was out for a few hours and I thought I'd give it a go.

The first line of the book caught my attention and the book proceeded to pull me in from there. I love that Sienna doesn't fully trust anyone, unlike many young adult books, where the first person the girl meets who is nice to her is the hero. I'm horrible at summaries and I hate or include too many spoilers but essentially book one of 'The Girl in the Box series is dedicated to helping the girl in the box find out who she is.

I wasn't completely wow'd by the novel, but I was pulled in enough, especially after the last line, to continue the series. ( )
  momma182 | Jun 23, 2015 |
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Sienna Nealon was a 17-year-old girl who had been held prisoner in her own house by her mother for twelve years. Then one day her mother vanished, and Sienna woke up to find two strange men in her home.

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