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The Red Plague Affair (Bannon and Clare) par…

The Red Plague Affair (Bannon and Clare) (édition 2013)

par Lilith Saintcrow (Auteur)

Séries: Bannon and Clare (2)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
24818112,042 (3.67)5
Fiction. Mystery. Historical Fiction. HTML:The service of Britannia is not for the faint of heart—or conscience...
Emma Bannon, Sorceress Prime in service to Queen Victrix, has a mission: to find the doctor who has created a powerful new weapon. Her friend, the mentath Archibald Clare, is only too happy to help. It will distract him from pursuing his nemesis, and besides, Clare is not as young as he used to be. A spot of Miss Bannon's excellent hospitality and her diverting company may be just what he needs.
Unfortunately, their quarry is a fanatic, and his poisonous discovery is just as dangerous to Britannia as to Her enemies. Now a single man has set Londinium ablaze, and Clare finds himself in the middle of distressing excitement, racing against time and theory to find a cure. Miss Bannon, of course, has troubles of her own, for the Queen's Consort Alberich is ill, and Her Majesty unhappy with Bannon's loyal service. And there is still no reliable way to find a hansom when one needs it most...
The game is afoot. And the Red Plague rises.
The fantastic follow-up to The Iron Wyrm Affair, set in an alternate Victorian world where magic has turned the Industrial Revolution on its head.

Bannon and Clare
The Iron Wyrm Affair
The Red Plague Affair
The Ripper Affair
The Damnation Affair (e-only)

For more from Lilith Saintcrow, check out:

Gallow and Ragged
Trailer Park Fae
Dante Valentine Novels
Working for the Devil
Dead Man Rising
Devil's Right Hand
Saint City Sinners
To Hell and Back
Dante Valentine (omnibus)

Jill Kismet Novels
Night Shift
Hunter's Prayer
Redemption Alley
Flesh Circus
Heaven's Spite
Angel Town
Jill Kismet (omnibus)

A Romance of Arquitaine Novels
The Hedgewitch Queen
The Bandit King

Blood Call (coming August 2015)

… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Red Plague Affair (Bannon and Clare)
Auteurs:Lilith Saintcrow (Auteur)
Info:Orbit (2013), Edition: 1st Printing, 320 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

The Red Plague Affair par Lilith Saintcrow

  1. 00
    India Black and the Widow of Windsor par Carol K. Carr (4leschats)
    4leschats: Similar themes of protecting the British queen.

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» Voir aussi les 5 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 18 (suivant | tout afficher)
Likewise bloody fantastic, and the only reason this didn't top the prior one in the series for me was that it gave me the squirming wobbles. Excellent immersive writing that kept me going even in a subject area that's almost exactly *not* my thing. ( )
  wetdryvac | Mar 2, 2021 |
This is a tough book for me to's definitely a 3.5, but not quite a 4. I liked it every bit as much as the previous Bannon & Clare book, The Iron Wyrm Affair, but I found this one more confusing and hard to follow. Perhaps that was my fault, reading it late at night, but it just didn't seem to have the plot cohesion of its predecessor. That said, I really like these characters and will definitely snatch up a further book in the series. There's a lot of very interesting stuff going on in both the setting and the lives of the characters, and I love the world the author has created. ( )
  sdramsey | Dec 14, 2020 |
I love Emma. The rest of the story was fine, but I think what may keep me reading the series is her backstory. ( )
  bookbrig | Aug 5, 2020 |
For me, this book held together much better than the first book featuring Bannon & Clare. I still long for more world-building, but I'm feeling more secure in what I do know about this world, and Saintcrow is giving us more hints about its history. I still quite like Emma Bannon and have come to like Archibald Clare. Emma remains the strongest part of these books to me and its for her (and the brewing conflict between her and Victrix/Britannia) that I keep reading.

(ARC provided by NetGalley) ( )
  tldegray | Sep 21, 2018 |
Synopsis: Bannon and Clare are once more in league to save England from falling. What they find is that the red plague is a weaponized disease that leaves on one unscathed, Clare nearly dies, as does Bannon, plus they lose one of the shields and find that mystery surrounds their survival.
Review: This story still doesn't answer the questions about the beginnings of Bannon's main shield. ( )
  DrLed | Mar 8, 2017 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 18 (suivant | tout afficher)
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I am too bloody old for this.
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Fiction. Mystery. Historical Fiction. HTML:The service of Britannia is not for the faint of heart—or conscience...
Emma Bannon, Sorceress Prime in service to Queen Victrix, has a mission: to find the doctor who has created a powerful new weapon. Her friend, the mentath Archibald Clare, is only too happy to help. It will distract him from pursuing his nemesis, and besides, Clare is not as young as he used to be. A spot of Miss Bannon's excellent hospitality and her diverting company may be just what he needs.
Unfortunately, their quarry is a fanatic, and his poisonous discovery is just as dangerous to Britannia as to Her enemies. Now a single man has set Londinium ablaze, and Clare finds himself in the middle of distressing excitement, racing against time and theory to find a cure. Miss Bannon, of course, has troubles of her own, for the Queen's Consort Alberich is ill, and Her Majesty unhappy with Bannon's loyal service. And there is still no reliable way to find a hansom when one needs it most...
The game is afoot. And the Red Plague rises.
The fantastic follow-up to The Iron Wyrm Affair, set in an alternate Victorian world where magic has turned the Industrial Revolution on its head.

Bannon and Clare
The Iron Wyrm Affair
The Red Plague Affair
The Ripper Affair
The Damnation Affair (e-only)

For more from Lilith Saintcrow, check out:

Gallow and Ragged
Trailer Park Fae
Dante Valentine Novels
Working for the Devil
Dead Man Rising
Devil's Right Hand
Saint City Sinners
To Hell and Back
Dante Valentine (omnibus)

Jill Kismet Novels
Night Shift
Hunter's Prayer
Redemption Alley
Flesh Circus
Heaven's Spite
Angel Town
Jill Kismet (omnibus)

A Romance of Arquitaine Novels
The Hedgewitch Queen
The Bandit King

Blood Call (coming August 2015)


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