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Discovering Your Identity (Life Principles Study Series)

par Charles Stanley

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"Who are you?"  When someone asks that question, how do you respond? Do you give your name, then describe what you do for a living?  Most people answer this question with basic, superfivial information about their lives, but most Christians don't really know the truth about who they are. You are a saint!  If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then this is the correct answer.  And the term saint carries many layers of meaning, all of which is great news.  The only right way to understand who we are is to see ourselves from God's perspective, as described in His Word. This book will lead you through the many layers of understanding who you are in the eyes of God.  You are a beloved child of God; you are the heir of God's inheritance; you are a member of the Body of Christ.  In short, you are God's Masterpiece! Features Include: Features teachings from one of America's best-loved pastors and theologians Topical studies filled with life application principles For individual study or to be shared with a small group… (plus d'informations)

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"Who are you?"  When someone asks that question, how do you respond? Do you give your name, then describe what you do for a living?  Most people answer this question with basic, superfivial information about their lives, but most Christians don't really know the truth about who they are. You are a saint!  If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then this is the correct answer.  And the term saint carries many layers of meaning, all of which is great news.  The only right way to understand who we are is to see ourselves from God's perspective, as described in His Word. This book will lead you through the many layers of understanding who you are in the eyes of God.  You are a beloved child of God; you are the heir of God's inheritance; you are a member of the Body of Christ.  In short, you are God's Masterpiece! Features Include: Features teachings from one of America's best-loved pastors and theologians Topical studies filled with life application principles For individual study or to be shared with a small group

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