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Emerald Star (Hetty Feather) par Jacqueline…

Emerald Star (Hetty Feather) (édition 2012)

par Jacqueline Wilson, Nick Sharratt (Illustrateur)

Séries: Millie Plume (3)

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1964143,681 (4.45)1
Since leaving the Foundling Hospital, Hetty has seen her fair share of drama, excitement, tragedy and loss. After the death of her beloved mama, she sets off to find a real home at last - starting with the search for her father.But Hetty is no longer a simple country girl, and begins to fear she'll never truly belong anywhere. And even when she is reunited with her beloved childhood sweetheart Jem, Hetty still longs for adventure - especially when an enchanting figure from her past makes an unexpected reappearance. Could a more exciting future lie ahead for Hetty?… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Emerald Star (Hetty Feather)
Auteurs:Jacqueline Wilson
Autres auteurs:Nick Sharratt (Illustrateur)
Info:Doubleday UK (2012), Hardcover, 304 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque
Mots-clés:adventure, love

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Emerald Star par Jacqueline Wilson


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So sad I've finished the trilogy, great book series. ( )
  perksofbeingpeculiar | Jan 17, 2019 |
This book is about Hetty Feather (who has changed her name to Emerald Star) who tries to find her father, Bobbie the sailor. Though in Monksby, where Bobbie lives, there are many people - Bob, Bobbie, Robert... - and poor Emerald has no idea which Bobbie her father truly is. The question is: will she find her father or will she suffer alone?

Emerald also sets track for her foster brother, Jem. Her foster father dead, foster mother very ill, can Emerald cope will the sadness staining Jem's house or will she leave and travel somewhere else?

This book was very good, though I appreciate the first Hetty Feather a little more. This book was a little hard for an eight-year-old girl like me, so I read along with the audio book, which seemed to help. The lady reading it out was a little slow, and I think I could have coped with reading the book alone, but as I enjoyed reading along with the audio ringing in my ear, I kept coming back to it and finished the book quicker. ( )
  LaviniaRossetti | Sep 6, 2016 |
Love the adventure. Really good book for KS1-2. FROM HETTY FEATHER TO SAPPHIRE BATTERSEA TO EMERALD STAR. I love it when she tries to be part of the circus. ( )
  wiktoria13 | Dec 28, 2015 |
its cool i like the hetty feather books they are really enjoyable and funny ( )
  susanss | Oct 6, 2013 |
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Since leaving the Foundling Hospital, Hetty has seen her fair share of drama, excitement, tragedy and loss. After the death of her beloved mama, she sets off to find a real home at last - starting with the search for her father.But Hetty is no longer a simple country girl, and begins to fear she'll never truly belong anywhere. And even when she is reunited with her beloved childhood sweetheart Jem, Hetty still longs for adventure - especially when an enchanting figure from her past makes an unexpected reappearance. Could a more exciting future lie ahead for Hetty?

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5 9

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