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The Watsons Go to Birmingham—1963

par Christopher Paul Curtis

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
7,7634001,203 (4.11)90
l Fiction.
  1. 10
    Iron Thunder (I Witness) par Avi (jacqueline065)
    jacqueline065: I was reminded of the historical accout when I read this book. For Historical Fiction Lovers
  2. 00
    The Lions of Little Rock par Kristin Levine (foggidawn)
  3. 00
    One Crazy Summer par Rita Williams-Garcia (BookshelfMonstrosity)

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Affichage de 1-5 de 319 (suivant | tout afficher)
The Recalibrated Lexile Grade Bands, 6-8, 955-1155
  HCC_Education_Dept | Aug 8, 2024 |
This is a book that has been on the shelf of my classroom library for years and I'm embarrassed to say that I hadn't read it until now! I actually listened to the audiobook version, which was lovely as it was read by Lavar Burton!

The author writes in way that is relatable and makes you feel like you are having a conversation with the narrator, Kenny! The title of chapter 1 drew me right in--"And You Wonder Why We Get Called the Weird Watsons" and the stories of Kenny kept me reading! The narrator's humor connected the reader to him and his stories were entertaining. I was laughing as I heard about the whirlpool (Wool Pooh)! The anecdotes connect us to Kenny and his family and starts with lighthearted fun, then gets to more serious topics towards the end. As the family visits their grandma in Birmingham, they witness an atrocity, the Birmingham Church Bombing. The author does a great job of capturing how a kid would react to a serious situation, especially since Kenny initially thought his sister might be involved. This book opens the door for further conversations about the Civil Rights Movement and key historical events of that era. ( )
  bevsmev | Jul 19, 2024 |
Great story that deals with the racial problems of Birmingham and growing up in Flint Michigan ( )
  Rostie | May 19, 2024 |
This book was easy to read, but not terribly exciting. The main character is a 4th grade boy. It teaches friendship and kindness, making mistakes, and dealing with grief and feelings of inadequacy. ( )
  GrowWithMe | Apr 20, 2024 |
A well- written book for students grades 4-6. The book deals with difficult topics with characters students can relate to. This book is an excellent selection to read aloud and discuss as a class. ( )
  Chrissylou62 | Apr 11, 2024 |
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In memory of
Addie Mae Collins
Born 4/18/49, died 9/15/63
Denise McNair
Born 11/17/51, died 9/15/63
Carole Robertson
Born 4/24/49, died 9/15/63
Cynthia Wesley
Born 4/30/49, died 9/15/63
the toll for one day in one city
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This book is dedicated to my parents, Dr. Herman and Leslie Lewis Curtis, who have given their children both roots and wings and encouraged us to soar; my sister, Cydney Eleanor Curtis, who has been unfailingly supportive, kind and herself; and above all to my wife, Kaysandra Anne Sookram Curtis, who has provided a warmth and love that have allowed me to laugh, to grow and, most importantly, to dream.
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It was one of those super-duper-cold Saturdays.
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"Some of the time I wondered if something really was wrong with me. Byron had just told me that someone had dropped a bomb on Joey's church, hadn't he? If that was true why was I only thinking about how much trouble By was going to be in when they heard how loud he'd slammed the screen door, and asking myself why hadn't he put on his shoes? His socks wouldn't last two minutes on the Alabama mud."
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l Fiction.

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