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In Aid of Greed

par Kenneth Smith

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One hundred and fifty million dollars is a lot of money to give away. It is an estimate of how much was paid out in foreign aid last year. When it helps the sick, the starving, the homeless, the deprived, we feel the money is well spent. But who knows how much is pocketed by greedy gangsters and government officials, in corruption or theft? The origins cannot be traced of eighty percent of hospital drugs in one large country. If you get sick you pay a lot of money for treatment with such drugs, but how they got there, no one seems to know. Those who own the hospitals just get rich. From the south of France to Italy, London to the Russian Far East, Marcus Black searches for someone who knows too much. He finds passion and power, deceit and death. Whether it is Italian omertà or English discretion, so much is kept quiet. And who can be trusted when big money is at stake.… (plus d'informations)
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One hundred and fifty million dollars is a lot of money to give away. It is an estimate of how much was paid out in foreign aid last year. When it helps the sick, the starving, the homeless, the deprived, we feel the money is well spent. But who knows how much is pocketed by greedy gangsters and government officials, in corruption or theft? The origins cannot be traced of eighty percent of hospital drugs in one large country. If you get sick you pay a lot of money for treatment with such drugs, but how they got there, no one seems to know. Those who own the hospitals just get rich. From the south of France to Italy, London to the Russian Far East, Marcus Black searches for someone who knows too much. He finds passion and power, deceit and death. Whether it is Italian omertà or English discretion, so much is kept quiet. And who can be trusted when big money is at stake.

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