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Why Have Kids?: A New Mom Explores the Truth…

Why Have Kids?: A New Mom Explores the Truth About Parenting and Happiness (édition 2012)

par Jessica Valenti

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16210174,458 (3.51)3
Would-be parents must navigate the decision to have children amidst a daunting combination of cultural expectations and hard facts. And new parents find themselves struggling to reconcile their elation with the often exhausting, confusing, and expensive business of child care. If parenting is making Americans unhappy, if it's impossible to "have it all," if people don't have the economic, social, or political structures needed to support child rearing, then why do it? And why are anxious new parents flocking to every Tiger Mother and Bébé-raiser for advice on how to raise kids? Here, feminist author Jennifer Valenti explores these controversial questions through on-the-ground reporting, startling new research, and her own unique experiences as a mom. She moves beyond the black-and-white "mommy wars" over natural parenting, discipline, and work-life balance to explore a more nuanced reality: one filled with ambivalence, joy, guilt, and exhaustion.--From publisher description.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Why Have Kids?: A New Mom Explores the Truth About Parenting and Happiness
Auteurs:Jessica Valenti
Info:New Harvest (2012), Hardcover, 208 pages
Collections:En cours de lecture

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Why Have Kids? A New Mom Explores the Truth about Parenting and Happiness par Jessica Valenti


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Affichage de 1-5 de 10 (suivant | tout afficher)

I'd like to give it 2.5 stars. It's not bad, but it doesn't really cover any new ground. Valenti sums up a bunch of blog posts and articles I'd already read. She gets in some nice zingers against the natural brigade, though I think she could probably have done a little more looking at birth and not credulously quoted Jennifer Block.

Quibble: she misquotes Mayim Bialik. I hate to do this because I loathe her, but her quote about home birth and evolution is trimmed. The full quote has her saying she doesn't subscribe to it, but "some people think..." It's one quote, and I didn't go checking all the quotes in the book, but I remember that one from the Internet fuss and checked it. ( )
  arosoff | Jul 11, 2021 |
I first read an excerpt of this book on The Atlantic, and was intrigued by the ideas presented. While it is true that many of these topics are addressed in more depth by other books and academic studies, this is a good layperson's introduction to the issues and ramifications regarding the idolization of parenthood and the subsequent impact this has had on women. ( )
  resoundingjoy | Jan 1, 2021 |
Writing a review for publication, so can't write much here. But as you can see it is a fast read!
  roniweb | May 30, 2019 |
While I agree having more discussions about things like the high cost of child care, non existent maternity leave and quality of education are important, this book hit a sour note with me. Disclaimer, I have 3 kids, and I am very satisfied with my choices.

I was curious,however, to find out what the author thought would suffice as an answer to her question. I admit I often find myself bristling at the current trend that debates to death whether or not parents are happy with their charges and in their roles. Number one..don't ask the newbies ( like this author, who I believe starting writing while preggers). They are tired, worn out and underappreciated. Ask a grandmother, someone with perspective for petes sake. Seems like so many parenting debates center on those early years...there's a whole lota parenting left after sleeping thru the night!! Two where did we ever get the idea that only the easy things are good and fun? Kids will not at every moment make you happy. Nor will your dog, husband, best friend or perennial garden. That's not necessarily a reason to forgo them.

I never like when an author tells me something is true when its just her opinion, and the final part of this book is no exception. I felt like the stats were sketchy and skewed. Just seems like the wrong question to ask, why have kids. I'd rather ask how to make life more bearable for parents, and those who chose not to have kids.End of rant ;) ( )
  Jandrew74 | May 26, 2019 |
From my Cannonball Read VI Review...

I reviewed another of Jessica Valenti’s books (“The Purity Myth”) for last year’s Cannonball Read, and she actually acknowledged my review on Twitter. That was a very happy day. I knew about this book but hadn’t read it; I discovered it on Audible on Friday ended up listening to it pretty much straight through.

Ms. Valenti is a feminist author and mother of her young daughter Layla. Layla was born SUPER early, spending her first weeks in the NICU. Ms. Valenti spends time talking about her feelings of helplessness when her daughter was in the hospital, and definitely shares many anecdotes, but her parenting experience isn’t the main focus of this book. Nor is the book an attempt to convince the reader they should or should not have kids. The book instead is focused on all the ways society has made it challenging to parent (and, specifically, to mother) children, while society also pushes the idea that of course all women should both want to be mothers.

I am not a mother. I am childfree by choice, choosing instead to live my life with my husband and whatever animals we have (currently two awesome cats). I covered this issue in my review of “I Can Barely Take Care of Myself” (good book!), so I won’t spend my review focused on that topic, although Ms. Valenti covers it adeptly. Instead I’m going to focus more on the political issues she raises. From breastfeeding (or not) to working outside the home (or not) to women being treated merely as vessels for children, Ms. Valenti provides strong, interesting and often disturbing facts that reiterate how generally shitty it can be to be a mother. The lack of acknowledgement of how hard it is, the hardline critics who believe there is only one right way to parent (I found her section on attachment parenting to be especially interesting), and the fact that women are sometimes hardest on each other all comes through in pretty vivid fashion.

She shares a story about giving her daughter a bottle during their first outing to a café (pretty big deal, considering she spend the first couple of months of life in the NICU), when a stranger literally said to her “Breast is best – if you’re having trouble I’d be happy to help you out.” The FUCK? Who thinks that is even a little okay? Her point being that what’s best for you might not be best for the mother over there, and that politically we need to fight for the ability to do what works best for our families. Mandated paid maternity and paternity leave, medical coverage of lactation counselling AND breast pumps, etc. What I like the most is that even when she’s presenting the different positions and possibilities (and sometimes expressing a strong preference for one option over another), she’s making strong arguments for the right to make these decisions ourselves, as families.

That’s not to say that she believes that “I choose my choice!” is always going to be the best. She talks about the anti-vaccine movement, and also about studies suggesting that it’s better for the whole family if the mother works outside the home (part time or full time). But her main focus is always on women not being so hard on ourselves, and on society giving mothers the benefit of the doubt, especially each other. Motherhood shouldn’t be a competition, and lately it seems to have evolved into that.

Ms. Valenti also acknowledges that certain mother stereotypes definitely play to the benefit of white, upper-middle-class women. For example, society (and conservatives especially) say women should stay home with the children, but if a single mom wants to provide that type of home for her children? She becomes a “welfare queen.” I would have liked more on the different mother experiences of women of color, though, and I think through the years (this book came out in 2012), she has recognized that she needs to work more on presenting those perspectives.

Finally, one of the more disturbing part of the book came somewhere in the middle, where she talks about how women are treated as worthless if they aren’t currently or planning to become mothers. One example is the now-common suggestion that women always act as if they are pre-pregnant (think about all the medication commercial voice-overs that say you shouldn’t use something if you are pregnant “or may become pregnant”). She shares the story of one woman who had zero plans to ever have children. She needed some medication, but her doctor gave her the less-effective version because it can cause side-effects in pregnancy. Umm, what? Nope. Treat ME as the human, not as a possible vessel for some hypothetical fetus. Please. It takes an even darker turn when you learn about woman arrested MID CHILDBIRTH because she was attempting a VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section). They literally cuffed her, dragged her to the hospital, and held a trial to force her into a c-section. Her fetus was appointed an attorney; she was not. Yeah, that happened. Like I said: dark.

Motherhood looks to me like a ton of hard work. I see my friends with kids and they are doing amazing things. And so far none of them seem to have just disappeared into their kids, replacing their own identities with ‘mother’ across the board. I have so much respect for what they do every day, and I wish that society could catch up and make it easier for all of them. ( )
  ASKelmore | Jul 9, 2017 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 10 (suivant | tout afficher)
"this timely volume, which should generate much controversy, is a call for much-needed change and may unite a new generation of moms. "
ajouté par jodi | modifierPublishers Weekly, a (Aug 20, 2012)
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Would-be parents must navigate the decision to have children amidst a daunting combination of cultural expectations and hard facts. And new parents find themselves struggling to reconcile their elation with the often exhausting, confusing, and expensive business of child care. If parenting is making Americans unhappy, if it's impossible to "have it all," if people don't have the economic, social, or political structures needed to support child rearing, then why do it? And why are anxious new parents flocking to every Tiger Mother and Bébé-raiser for advice on how to raise kids? Here, feminist author Jennifer Valenti explores these controversial questions through on-the-ground reporting, startling new research, and her own unique experiences as a mom. She moves beyond the black-and-white "mommy wars" over natural parenting, discipline, and work-life balance to explore a more nuanced reality: one filled with ambivalence, joy, guilt, and exhaustion.--From publisher description.

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