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NIV, Adventure Bible, Leathersoft, Pink,…

NIV, Adventure Bible, Leathersoft, Pink, Full Color (édition 2013)

par Zondervan (Auteur)

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1,148318,116 (4.05)Aucun
Take your kids on an adventure through God's Word with the #1 Bible for kids! The bestselling NIV Adventure Bible will get kids excited about reading the Scriptures! Kids will be captivated with the full-color features that make reading the Bible and memorizing their favorite verses engaging and fun. Along the way they will meet all types of people, see all sorts of places, and learn all kinds of things about the Bible. Most importantly they will grow closer in their relationship with God. Over 10 million copies within the Adventure Bible® brand have been sold. The Adventure Bible is recommended by more Christian schools and churches than any other Bible for kids! Features include: Complete text of the accurate, readable, clear New International Version (NIV) Full-color design throughout - makes learning about the people, places, and culture of the Bible even more engaging Life in Bible Times--Articles and illustrations describe what life was like in ancient days Words to Treasure--Highlights great verses to memorize Did You Know?--Interesting facts help you understand God's Word and the life of faith People in Bible Times--Articles offer close-up looks at amazing people of the Bible Live It!--Hands-on activities help you apply biblical truths to your life Twenty special pages--Focus on topics such as famous people of the Bible, highlights of the life of Jesus, how to pray, and the love passage for kids, all with a jungle safari theme Book introductions with useful facts about each book of the Bible Dictionary/concordance for looking up tricky words Color map section to help locate places in the Bible 8.7-point type size Using the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV) text makes the Bible accessible and easy-to-read for kids. The NIV is the result of over 50 years of work by the Committee on Bible Translation, who oversee the efforts of many contributing scholars. Representing the spectrum of evangelicalism, the translators come from a wide range of denominations and various countries and continually review new research to ensure the NIV remains at the forefront of accessibility, relevance, and authority. Every NIV Bible that is purchased helps Biblica translate and give Bibles to people in need around the world.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:NIV, Adventure Bible, Leathersoft, Pink, Full Color
Auteurs:Zondervan (Auteur)
Info:Zonderkidz (2013), Edition: Revised ed., 1488 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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The Adventure Bible par Lawrence O. Richards


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The NASB Adventure Bible is a sturdy hardback Bible for kids. The front cover has a slick look, with lively koalas and kangaroos, promoting the adventure component to this #1 Bible for kids. The book includes full biblical text, maps, a topical index, concordance, and so much more.

The text is displayed in the traditional two-column design with numbered chapters and verses. One standout characteristic is the colorful facts, illustrations, activities, and questions sections. Some of the special topic pages, such as the list of the twelve disciples, Famous Children of the Bible, The Lord’s Prayer, etc. are glossy, full-page illustrations that make this Bible especially vibrant.

Two of the most interesting features (for me) are 1. the description pages proceeding each Bible book that explains who wrote the book, why and when it was written, key people or meanings it contains, etc. and 2. the ABC’s of How to know you are a Christian segment within the first few pages of the Bible, delivering the plan of salvation in a clear, concise, and easy to understand way.

It truly is an adventure discovering how people lived in Bible times and participating in the provided activities that help readers apply biblical truths in daily life.

The inclusion of a lovely presentation page (something I always look for) this children’s Bible makes a meaningful and memorable gift.

If you will receive my words and treasure my commandments within you… If you seek [wisdom] as silver and search for her as for hidden treasures; then you will discern the fear of the LORD and discover the knowledge of God.
Proverbs 2:1, 4-5

I received a complimentary copy of this Bible as a member of BG²
#BibleGatewayPartner ( )
  CoverLoverBookReview | Jun 4, 2021 |
I absolutely love this Bible! It's such an interactive Bible with so much that will encourage children to read and enjoy it. It's filled with wonderful pictures that will make your child smile. I love the penguins, polar bears and other cute polar animals used throughout - they are adorable and eye-catching! The translation used for this Bible is the NIV which makes it easier for children to read, enjoy and understand.

I also like that the text is easy on the eyes to read and not too small. I had no trouble reading the text and I can't read really small text any longer. I think this is a huge plus and children don't really like small text either.

One of my favorite things are the "Word to Treasure" squares throughout the Bible that pick special Scriptures from the pages you're on. This would be a good way to encourage children to memorize Scriptures. They are not long passages so they would be easy for a child to memorize.

Another favorite part of this Bible are the full page color pictures that ask questions or give your child more information about a topic. For instance, there is on on Scriptures to look up if you're feeling a certain way and another one about Getting To Know Jesus and His Life. These put into one page important information that your child can refer to. There are full color maps in the back as well so that they can look to see where the certain stories are taking place or see where Jesus was.

This is such a wonderful Bible and I love it! I think a child would love it, too! I've really enjoyed going through it and reading it and I love all the information inside. It's just a wonderful Bible all the way around and I give it 5 out of 5 stars.

*This Bible was provided to me by FlyBy Promotions. I received a copy of this book to review but I was not financially compensated in any way. The opinions expressed are my own and are based on my observations while reading this book. ( )
  Julie.D | Nov 27, 2018 |
The story of creation and beyond. Easy vocab. and discriptions. ( )
  Atamimi | Jan 4, 2008 |
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Richards, Lawrence O.auteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Adventure Bibleauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé

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Take your kids on an adventure through God's Word with the #1 Bible for kids! The bestselling NIV Adventure Bible will get kids excited about reading the Scriptures! Kids will be captivated with the full-color features that make reading the Bible and memorizing their favorite verses engaging and fun. Along the way they will meet all types of people, see all sorts of places, and learn all kinds of things about the Bible. Most importantly they will grow closer in their relationship with God. Over 10 million copies within the Adventure Bible® brand have been sold. The Adventure Bible is recommended by more Christian schools and churches than any other Bible for kids! Features include: Complete text of the accurate, readable, clear New International Version (NIV) Full-color design throughout - makes learning about the people, places, and culture of the Bible even more engaging Life in Bible Times--Articles and illustrations describe what life was like in ancient days Words to Treasure--Highlights great verses to memorize Did You Know?--Interesting facts help you understand God's Word and the life of faith People in Bible Times--Articles offer close-up looks at amazing people of the Bible Live It!--Hands-on activities help you apply biblical truths to your life Twenty special pages--Focus on topics such as famous people of the Bible, highlights of the life of Jesus, how to pray, and the love passage for kids, all with a jungle safari theme Book introductions with useful facts about each book of the Bible Dictionary/concordance for looking up tricky words Color map section to help locate places in the Bible 8.7-point type size Using the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV) text makes the Bible accessible and easy-to-read for kids. The NIV is the result of over 50 years of work by the Committee on Bible Translation, who oversee the efforts of many contributing scholars. Representing the spectrum of evangelicalism, the translators come from a wide range of denominations and various countries and continually review new research to ensure the NIV remains at the forefront of accessibility, relevance, and authority. Every NIV Bible that is purchased helps Biblica translate and give Bibles to people in need around the world.

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220Religions Bible Bible

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