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I Know You Got Soul par Jeremey Clarkson

I Know You Got Soul (original 2005; édition 2006)

par Jeremey Clarkson

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6221039,319 (3.49)8
A Ferrari F40 has it, a Lexus hasn't. Concorde's got it, but not an Airbus. And while Titanic had it in spades, the Queen Mary 2 must have been in the wrong queue. Soul. Some machines matter to us while others are, well, just machines. In his own inimitable way, Jeremy Clarkson tells the gripping stories of the planes, trains and automobiles that inspire us; and of the geniuses and visionaries that built them. Lavishly illustrated, I Know You Got Soulis the perfect Christmas present for boys of all ages.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:I Know You Got Soul
Auteurs:Jeremey Clarkson
Info:Penguin Books (2006), Paperback, 256 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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I Know You Got Soul par Jeremy Clarkson (2005)


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» Voir aussi les 8 mentions

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An interesting and amusing review of various machinery which the author considers to have soul. ( )
  edwardsgt | Aug 16, 2024 |
A nice book to have for those 5 minutes when you feel like reading but don't want to dig into something that is hard to get out of, or that requires a long time to recover from. It helps if you like gadgets and meaningless machines too, because "soul" is something connected to machines that are not just working, helpful machines. ( )
  bratell | Dec 25, 2020 |
Starts off good and very funny, but eventually gets rather boring. Probably better to read one chapter at a time than read the whole book in a day... ( )
  Sammystarbuck | Jan 8, 2019 |
Witty read you can dip in and out of. ( )
  marieharbon | Sep 7, 2011 |
This is a collection of relatively short Clarkson articles about machines he thinks are inspiring. I don't agree with all his choices, and many of the articles are clearly biased against America. For example, he insists that everyone on an aircraft carrier is stupid. Why? Because they didn't let him film a fighter with one engine on fire. However, the book is funny, and good light reading. I read most of it on a bus for example. If you're into Clarkson, then its worth reading. ( )
  mikal | Oct 3, 2010 |
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Dedykuję tę książkę moim dzieciom, Emily, Finlo i Katyi, które w czasie, gdy ją pisałem, musiały chodzić po domu na paluszkach i nie mogły słuchać Radio One.
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A Ferrari F40 has it, a Lexus hasn't. Concorde's got it, but not an Airbus. And while Titanic had it in spades, the Queen Mary 2 must have been in the wrong queue. Soul. Some machines matter to us while others are, well, just machines. In his own inimitable way, Jeremy Clarkson tells the gripping stories of the planes, trains and automobiles that inspire us; and of the geniuses and visionaries that built them. Lavishly illustrated, I Know You Got Soulis the perfect Christmas present for boys of all ages.

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Moyenne: (3.49)
1 3
2 9
2.5 1
3 29
3.5 4
4 32
4.5 2
5 12

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