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Red Planet Blues par Robert J. Sawyer

Red Planet Blues (édition 2013)

par Robert J. Sawyer (Auteur)

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3042089,631 (3.36)20
"Robert J. Sawyer, the author of such 'revelatory and thought-provoking'* novels as Triggers and The WWW Trilogy, presents a noir mystery expanded from his Hugo and Nebula Award-nominated novella 'Identity Theft' and his Aurora Award-winning short story 'Biding Time,' and set on a lawless Mars in a future where everything is cheap, and life is even cheaper... Alex Lomax is the one and only private eye working the mean streets of New Klondike, the Martian frontier town that sprang up forty years ago after Simon Weingarten and Denny O'Reilly discovered fossils on the Red Planet. Back on Earth, where anything can be synthesized, the remains of alien life are the most valuable of all collectibles, so shiploads of desperate treasure hunters stampeded to Mars in the Great Martian Fossil Rush. Trying to make an honest buck in a dishonest world, Lomax tracks down killers and kidnappers among the failed prospectors, corrupt cops, and a growing population of transfers--lucky stiffs who, after striking paleontological gold, upload their minds into immortal android bodies. But when he uncovers clues to solving the decades-old murders of Weingarten and O'Reilly, along with a journal that may lead to their legendary mother lode of Martian fossils, God only knows what he'll dig up... "The Globe and Mail"--… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Red Planet Blues
Auteurs:Robert J. Sawyer (Auteur)
Info:Ace (2013), Edition: 1, 368 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Red Planet Blues par Robert J. Sawyer


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» Voir aussi les 20 mentions

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[a:Robert J. Sawyer|25883|Robert J. Sawyer|] makes writing good science fiction look so damned easy. His stories just flow along without being forced or contrived (even when they have all sorts of plot twists) and are inhabited by interesting characters. [b:Red Planet Blues|15808746|Red Planet Blues|Robert J. Sawyer||19070382] is a perfect example of this. Sawyer captures some of the tropes and the general feeling of the pulp-noir stories of the 1940s, without being trite or rote about it. Neither does RPB feel like parody or pastiche. Sawyer hits just the right notes. I also appreciate the fact that he is one of the few authors to set a story on Mars (or other body here in the Solar system) and consistently remember the difference in gravity, the air pressure and temperature differences, and how all these things affect humans living there. He doesn't just remember these things when it serves some convenient plot point. ( )
  Treebeard_404 | Jan 23, 2024 |
Utterly pedestrian, average sci fi potboiler. Entertaining but, in the end, forgettable. ( )
  harroldsheep | May 21, 2021 |
I loved Sawyer's depiction of Martian culture and history, and enjoyed the twists and turns and the humour. My one beef: I found the main character's obsession with woman-chasing annoying, and could have done without it.
( )
  LisaTimpf | Sep 23, 2020 |
I feel like I wrote this on the last Robert J. Sawyer book I read: I love RJS. He's one of my favorite authors, but this was not his best work.

Plot was bland. Much like this review.

Skip this book. ( )
  cgfaulknerog | May 28, 2020 |
This was a fun read. Robert J. Sawyer merges tropes from hard-boiled/noir detective stories, frontier/gold-rush tales, and science fiction into a seamless whole. Mars become the new Klondike, with fossils standing in for gold on the new get-rich-quick (or fail miserably) scheme. Plenty of twists, setbacks, and betrayals. ( )
  pjohanneson | May 5, 2020 |
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"Robert J. Sawyer, the author of such 'revelatory and thought-provoking'* novels as Triggers and The WWW Trilogy, presents a noir mystery expanded from his Hugo and Nebula Award-nominated novella 'Identity Theft' and his Aurora Award-winning short story 'Biding Time,' and set on a lawless Mars in a future where everything is cheap, and life is even cheaper... Alex Lomax is the one and only private eye working the mean streets of New Klondike, the Martian frontier town that sprang up forty years ago after Simon Weingarten and Denny O'Reilly discovered fossils on the Red Planet. Back on Earth, where anything can be synthesized, the remains of alien life are the most valuable of all collectibles, so shiploads of desperate treasure hunters stampeded to Mars in the Great Martian Fossil Rush. Trying to make an honest buck in a dishonest world, Lomax tracks down killers and kidnappers among the failed prospectors, corrupt cops, and a growing population of transfers--lucky stiffs who, after striking paleontological gold, upload their minds into immortal android bodies. But when he uncovers clues to solving the decades-old murders of Weingarten and O'Reilly, along with a journal that may lead to their legendary mother lode of Martian fossils, God only knows what he'll dig up... "The Globe and Mail"--

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