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Beyond Basic Training: Fitness Strategies for Men

par Jon Giswold

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Beyond Basic Training is a guidebook to a fully integrated program that synthesizes core training with the new fitness trends of the twenty-first century. Giswold cuts right to the chase, encouraging readers to define goals and set up training strategies, then immersing them in efficient and effective routines to meet those goals. Every routine is presented at three levels-for the novice, the minimalist and the exerciser who demands total body conditioning-and can be mixed and matched throughout one training session or through a course of conditioning. Dynamically illustrated with striking photographs which demonstrate every move and position, Beyond Basic Training is an essential resource for anyone who wants to kick up their workouts to a higher level and see dramatic and permanent results.… (plus d'informations)

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Beyond Basic Training is a guidebook to a fully integrated program that synthesizes core training with the new fitness trends of the twenty-first century. Giswold cuts right to the chase, encouraging readers to define goals and set up training strategies, then immersing them in efficient and effective routines to meet those goals. Every routine is presented at three levels-for the novice, the minimalist and the exerciser who demands total body conditioning-and can be mixed and matched throughout one training session or through a course of conditioning. Dynamically illustrated with striking photographs which demonstrate every move and position, Beyond Basic Training is an essential resource for anyone who wants to kick up their workouts to a higher level and see dramatic and permanent results.

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