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Dr. D's Handbook for Men Over 40: A Guide to Health, Fitness, Living, and Loving in the Prime of Life

par Peter Dorsen

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Dr. Dorsen gives us a much-needed, practical guide to feeling good and maximizing the joys of life after 40.... Should be required reading for every active, youthful spirit entering their mature years. --Geoffrey Tabin, M.D., author of Blind Corners ""A stimulating and valuable read."" --Stanley S. Bergen, Jr., M.D., President, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Dr. D's Handbook for Men Over 40 is a practical, down-to-earth plan that will show you how to continue to lead an exciting life and maintain a positive attitude as you grow older. With solid information and clear advice to help you stay strong, energetic, and confident, your best years are yet to come. This lighthearted yet reassuring book will help you overcome the fear of growing older, adjust to the physiological and neurological changes that occur at midlife, maintain or regain fitness through exercise and proper nutrition, build healthy relationships, and more. Plus, it includes real-life stories about men whose healthy habits in later years have added to their lives--and how they do it.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parMMPRC, Jeff_Duntemann

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Dr. Dorsen gives us a much-needed, practical guide to feeling good and maximizing the joys of life after 40.... Should be required reading for every active, youthful spirit entering their mature years. --Geoffrey Tabin, M.D., author of Blind Corners ""A stimulating and valuable read."" --Stanley S. Bergen, Jr., M.D., President, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Dr. D's Handbook for Men Over 40 is a practical, down-to-earth plan that will show you how to continue to lead an exciting life and maintain a positive attitude as you grow older. With solid information and clear advice to help you stay strong, energetic, and confident, your best years are yet to come. This lighthearted yet reassuring book will help you overcome the fear of growing older, adjust to the physiological and neurological changes that occur at midlife, maintain or regain fitness through exercise and proper nutrition, build healthy relationships, and more. Plus, it includes real-life stories about men whose healthy habits in later years have added to their lives--and how they do it.

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