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Suitcase of Suspense

par Editors of Reader's Digest

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Some of the world's most enduring stories -- featuring dastardly deeds, gripping intrigue and a couple of murders -- are brought together in this one single collection for a spectacular reading feast. Packed in one perfectly portable cardboard suitcase, complete with a handle -- for convenient reading on the road, at the beach, or in the backyard hammock -- Suitcase of Suspense delivers thrills and chills galore from the masters of suspense.Four trade paperback volumes in one innovative, easy-carry package -- for a total of 28 classic tales of cunning crimes and brilliant investigations.Showcasing both well-known and less-familiar stories from the foremost suspense writers, the suitcase includes: -- Classic Detective yarns from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie, along with Frank Gruber's Ask Me Another and Joyce Porter's Sweating It Out with Dover-- Classic Espionage heart pounders, from Edgar Allan Poe's The Purloined Letter to Patricia McGerr's Match Point in Berlin-- Classic Mystery spellbinders from Charles Dickens and Robert Louis Stevenson, along with Roald Dahl's Man from the South and Arthur Portage's Puddle-- Classic Murder shockers, from Israel Zangwill's Cheating the Gallows to Patricia Highsmith's The Terrain… (plus d'informations)

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Some of the world's most enduring stories -- featuring dastardly deeds, gripping intrigue and a couple of murders -- are brought together in this one single collection for a spectacular reading feast. Packed in one perfectly portable cardboard suitcase, complete with a handle -- for convenient reading on the road, at the beach, or in the backyard hammock -- Suitcase of Suspense delivers thrills and chills galore from the masters of suspense.Four trade paperback volumes in one innovative, easy-carry package -- for a total of 28 classic tales of cunning crimes and brilliant investigations.Showcasing both well-known and less-familiar stories from the foremost suspense writers, the suitcase includes: -- Classic Detective yarns from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie, along with Frank Gruber's Ask Me Another and Joyce Porter's Sweating It Out with Dover-- Classic Espionage heart pounders, from Edgar Allan Poe's The Purloined Letter to Patricia McGerr's Match Point in Berlin-- Classic Mystery spellbinders from Charles Dickens and Robert Louis Stevenson, along with Roald Dahl's Man from the South and Arthur Portage's Puddle-- Classic Murder shockers, from Israel Zangwill's Cheating the Gallows to Patricia Highsmith's The Terrain

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