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Denier du Reve par Marguerite Yourcenar

Denier du Reve (édition 1982)

par Marguerite Yourcenar

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
278798,888 (3.6)6
During the space of a day in Rome in 1933, a ten-lira coin passes through the hands of nine people--including an aging artist, a prostitute, and a would-be assassin of Mussolini. The coin becomes the symbol of contact between human beings, each lost in private passions and nearly impenetrable solitude. ""A Coin in Nine Hands" has . . . passages that move close to poetry and a story that belongs in both literature and history."--Doris Grumbach, "Los Angeles Times Book Review" "What lingers at the end of "A Coin in Nine Hands" is the shadowiness and puppetlike vagueness of the Dictator, and the compelling specificity of the so-called 'common people' revolving all around him."--Anne Tyler, "The New Republic" "Within a few pages we have met half the major characters in this haunting, brilliantly constructed novel. . . . The studied perfection, the structural intricacy and brevity remind one of Camus. Yet by comparison, Yourcenar's prose is lavish, emotional and imagistic."--Cynthia King, "Houston Post" "Transcends its specific time and place to become a portrait of vividly delineated characters caught in the vise of a tragically familiar political situation."--"Publisher's Weekly" Best known as the author of "Memoirs of Hadrian" and "The Abyss, " Marguerite Yourcenar (1903-87) achieved countless literary honors and was the first woman ever elected to the Academie Francaise.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Denier du Reve
Auteurs:Marguerite Yourcenar
Info:French & European Pubns (1982), Paperback, 224 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Denier du rêve par Marguerite Yourcenar (Author)


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» Voir aussi les 6 mentions

> Puget Robert. Denier du rêve par Marguerite YOURCENAR (Plon).
In: Revue Esprit), (1940-) Nouvelle série, No. 278 (11) (Novembre 1959), pp. 621-622. … ; (en ligne),
URL : ;
  Joop-le-philosophe | Sep 11, 2020 |
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Yourcenar, MargueriteAuteurauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Katz, DoriTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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C'est priser sa vie justement ce qu'elle est, de l'abandonner pour un songe.

Montaigne, liv. III, chap. IV.
Premiers mots

Une première version de Denier du Rêve, quelque peu plus courte, a paru en 1934. [...]
Ile des Monts-Déserts, 1959.
Paolo Farina était un provincial encore jeune, suffisamment riche, aussi honnête qu'on peut l'attendre d'un homme vivant dans l'intimité de la Loi, assez aimé dans sa petite bourgade toscane pour que son malheur même ne le fît pas mépriser. [...]
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The only difference between this movie and life was that here the public knew it was being deceived.
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(Cliquez pour voir. Attention : peut vendre la mèche.)
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LCC canonique

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During the space of a day in Rome in 1933, a ten-lira coin passes through the hands of nine people--including an aging artist, a prostitute, and a would-be assassin of Mussolini. The coin becomes the symbol of contact between human beings, each lost in private passions and nearly impenetrable solitude. ""A Coin in Nine Hands" has . . . passages that move close to poetry and a story that belongs in both literature and history."--Doris Grumbach, "Los Angeles Times Book Review" "What lingers at the end of "A Coin in Nine Hands" is the shadowiness and puppetlike vagueness of the Dictator, and the compelling specificity of the so-called 'common people' revolving all around him."--Anne Tyler, "The New Republic" "Within a few pages we have met half the major characters in this haunting, brilliantly constructed novel. . . . The studied perfection, the structural intricacy and brevity remind one of Camus. Yet by comparison, Yourcenar's prose is lavish, emotional and imagistic."--Cynthia King, "Houston Post" "Transcends its specific time and place to become a portrait of vividly delineated characters caught in the vise of a tragically familiar political situation."--"Publisher's Weekly" Best known as the author of "Memoirs of Hadrian" and "The Abyss, " Marguerite Yourcenar (1903-87) achieved countless literary honors and was the first woman ever elected to the Academie Francaise.

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