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Loom Knitting Primer: A Beginner's Guide to…

Loom Knitting Primer: A Beginner's Guide to Knitting on a Loom, with over 30 Fun Projects (édition 2007)

par Isela Phelps

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1892149,165 (4.15)2
"A beginner's guide to knitting on a loom, with over 30 fun projects"--Cover. A beginner's guide to knitting on a loom, with over 30 fun projects.
Titre:Loom Knitting Primer: A Beginner's Guide to Knitting on a Loom, with over 30 Fun Projects
Auteurs:Isela Phelps
Info:St. Martin's Griffin (2007), Paperback, 144 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque, En cours de lecture
Mots-clés:knitting, looms

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Loom Knitting Primer: A Beginner's Guide to Knitting on a Loom, with over 30 Fun Projects par Isela Phelps


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I've been loom knitting using various instructions on the internet for about a year and decided to read an actual book about it to fill in my skills. This primer reads easily and has some pretty good illustrations. There are also some nice reference charts about yard and loom specs. I only got to do two of the patterns in the book before I had to return it to the library, but they were successful. I think there some unclear points in her instructions, and one stitch simply didn't seem to work the way I interpreted what she wrote, but in general, I think new loom knitters will find this the best reference out there. It's worst failing is very strange organization. ( )
  hjjugovic | Feb 14, 2009 |
I've just started reading it and I'm eager to make some of the projects in this book. However, I've come across several typos that are rather jarring ; I really hope the projects themselves don't have typos. The text includes a basic introduction to knitting on looms and has a list and descriptions of tools needed to begin. Some of the steps and procedures are a bit confusing when read at first, but become clear when read while working on a loom. The author also explains the differences in yarn and what type of yarn should be used on which loom. I can't wait to get started! ( )
  DNWilliams | Nov 8, 2008 |
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"A beginner's guide to knitting on a loom, with over 30 fun projects"--Cover. A beginner's guide to knitting on a loom, with over 30 fun projects.

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