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ASVAB Flashcards (Military (ASVAB) Test…

ASVAB Flashcards (Military (ASVAB) Test Preparation) (édition 2011)

par The Editors of REA

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Looking to join the Military? REA's ASVAB Flashcard Book Helps You Score High on the ASVAB for Better Military Placement! If you're seeking a high ASVAB score for a better position within the military, or looking to get the required score for military enlistment, REA can help you reach your military goals! A great study companion to our best-selling Your Total ASVAB Solution test prep, this flashcard book is the perfect study tool to help raise your ASVAB score. Our 450 flashcards cover everything tested on the ASVAB exam: - Arithmetic Reasoning - Assembling Objects - Auto and Shop Information - Electronics Information - General Science - Mathematics Knowledge - Mechanical Comprehension - Paragraph Comprehension - Word Knowledge They are perfect for individual, group, or classroom review. Write your answer to a question on the front of the flashcard, and then compare it to the answer on the back of the card. Timed quizzes available online at the REA Study Center help you pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses and focus on areas in need of further study. The flashcards are bound in a compact, easy-to-carry book that makes studying a breeze. You can refresh your knowledge anywhere, without worrying about hundreds of loose cards. If you're preparing for the ASVAB, get the extra practice you need with REA's ASVAB Flashcard Book!… (plus d'informations)
Titre:ASVAB Flashcards (Military (ASVAB) Test Preparation)
Auteurs:The Editors of REA
Info:Research & Education Association (2011), Edition: First, Paperback, 352 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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ASVAB Flashcards with CD (Military (ASVAB) Test Preparation) par Editors Of Rea


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Looking to join the Military? REA's ASVAB Flashcard Book Helps You Score High on the ASVAB for Better Military Placement! If you're seeking a high ASVAB score for a better position within the military, or looking to get the required score for military enlistment, REA can help you reach your military goals! A great study companion to our best-selling Your Total ASVAB Solution test prep, this flashcard book is the perfect study tool to help raise your ASVAB score. Our 450 flashcards cover everything tested on the ASVAB exam: - Arithmetic Reasoning - Assembling Objects - Auto and Shop Information - Electronics Information - General Science - Mathematics Knowledge - Mechanical Comprehension - Paragraph Comprehension - Word Knowledge They are perfect for individual, group, or classroom review. Write your answer to a question on the front of the flashcard, and then compare it to the answer on the back of the card. Timed quizzes available online at the REA Study Center help you pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses and focus on areas in need of further study. The flashcards are bound in a compact, easy-to-carry book that makes studying a breeze. You can refresh your knowledge anywhere, without worrying about hundreds of loose cards. If you're preparing for the ASVAB, get the extra practice you need with REA's ASVAB Flashcard Book!

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