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Talkabout for children : developing self awareness and self esteem

par Alex Kelly

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Talkabout for Children: Developing Self-Awareness and Self-Esteem is a bestselling professional workbook supporting educators and therapists who deliver social and relationship skills groups for children with social, emotional or behavioural difficulties. Self-awareness and self-esteem is an essential prerequisite to developing social skills and so this book is an excellent first step to any social skills programme. This resources creates the foundation of the Talkabout heirachy, where self-awareness comes before non-verbal skills and non-verbal comes before verbal, with assertiveness coming last. Resources include: an assessment framework planning and evaluation forms a three-term intervention plan for schools over 40 structured activity sessions focussing on self-awareness and self-esteem all the supplementary handouts and images needed to deliver the sessions. This second edition is presented with full-colour illustrations and handouts, and includes a new introduction by Alex Kelly reflecting on her own experiences of using the resources since they were first developed.… (plus d'informations)

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Talkabout for Children: Developing Self-Awareness and Self-Esteem is a bestselling professional workbook supporting educators and therapists who deliver social and relationship skills groups for children with social, emotional or behavioural difficulties. Self-awareness and self-esteem is an essential prerequisite to developing social skills and so this book is an excellent first step to any social skills programme. This resources creates the foundation of the Talkabout heirachy, where self-awareness comes before non-verbal skills and non-verbal comes before verbal, with assertiveness coming last. Resources include: an assessment framework planning and evaluation forms a three-term intervention plan for schools over 40 structured activity sessions focussing on self-awareness and self-esteem all the supplementary handouts and images needed to deliver the sessions. This second edition is presented with full-colour illustrations and handouts, and includes a new introduction by Alex Kelly reflecting on her own experiences of using the resources since they were first developed.

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