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After Fifty

par Paul Anthony

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The author has captured the truthful expression of his uncensored and unbiased thoughts, looking back on his last fifty years of being a soulmate to the world, sharing the things that he thought were most important, that would benefit others in his brief descriptions of one mans journey to happiness. Having never written a book before, he discovers the magic of spontaneous writing and the treasures that emerge. You be the judge. Just flip to any page and begin to readwithin seconds you are feeling the authors tone, emotions, and positive vibes. He has the writing style of a real world teacher, student, and friend all mixed up in short but interesting conversational writing sessions. Jumping from technology to human basics, this book introduces the genius of expression without an agenda, yet always uncovering gems of wisdom that will feed your quest for knowledge. After Fifty is a timeless collection of ideas, warnings, and techniques that readers of all ages can benefit from; however, be advised that there are some sections that you may want to read before giving this book to your children.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parLysias

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The author has captured the truthful expression of his uncensored and unbiased thoughts, looking back on his last fifty years of being a soulmate to the world, sharing the things that he thought were most important, that would benefit others in his brief descriptions of one mans journey to happiness. Having never written a book before, he discovers the magic of spontaneous writing and the treasures that emerge. You be the judge. Just flip to any page and begin to readwithin seconds you are feeling the authors tone, emotions, and positive vibes. He has the writing style of a real world teacher, student, and friend all mixed up in short but interesting conversational writing sessions. Jumping from technology to human basics, this book introduces the genius of expression without an agenda, yet always uncovering gems of wisdom that will feed your quest for knowledge. After Fifty is a timeless collection of ideas, warnings, and techniques that readers of all ages can benefit from; however, be advised that there are some sections that you may want to read before giving this book to your children.

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