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Wheat Belly par William Davis

Wheat Belly (original 2011; édition 2012)

par William Davis

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
1,2505416,184 (3.63)44
A renowned cardiologist explains how eliminating wheat from our diets can prevent fat storage, shrink unsightly bulges, and reverse myriad health problems.
Titre:Wheat Belly
Auteurs:William Davis
Info:Collins Canada (2012), Paperback
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Pourquoi le blé nuit à votre santé par William Davis (2011)


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» Voir aussi les 44 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 54 (suivant | tout afficher)
There may be some truth to this wheat/grain-free diet thing, but this style of writing is sensationalist and fear-mongering. He does not present the studies in a scientific way (though he claims to...I suppose I could look up all the studies he cites, but I don't have the time or desire), and the book is full or repetition and long-winded ramblings that fluff up the length as per publisher requirements. I admit to skipping the middle sections that go on and on about the negative effects of wheat, because what I really wanted to know was breezed through in the final chapter: if I am going to eliminate wheat, how do I replace my current food staples? His assistance in this area is limited. I may try some of the recipes, but I foresee an increase in my grocery bill (even though I already eat mostly whole foods).
  LDVoorberg | Dec 24, 2023 |
I prefer 'moderation in all things'. That is all. ( )
  zot79 | Aug 20, 2023 |
Loc L1
  Karenjf73 | Jan 9, 2023 |
Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes is a much better book on this same subject. ( )
  eringill | Dec 25, 2022 |
Atkins diet in disguise. Listen, folks, according to this book: you're not ONLY supposed to cut out wheat, nope. You are supposed to cut out all gluten, all gluten-free products (with rice, oat, and all grains basically), most fruits, and anything with carbohydrates (potatoes, corn, beans). Of course you will lose weight, how much meat and fat can you eat in a day?

ASSUMING it's true (it's not, because it's anecdotal and some pseudo science) I will never ever attempt this diet and limit what I love. I rather die prematurely than stop eating fruits and grains just because some author decided it would be cool to go low-carb.

Guess what? No one lives forever. And our ancestors probably died in their 30s and they ate all natural and non-GMO products. So there. :)

That is how it is with people, they like to blame food groups on their health problems. Give me a person with absolutely no health problems and I can assure you it is not because of their diet ONLY. Everyone is different, our bodies are different, so having everyone follow the same diet is UTTER. STUPIDITY.

Stay away from any diet that cuts out a major food group or type. It's most likely because the author is biased and personally hates the taste of that food.

Those bagels on the cover do look delicious though.

( )
  womanwoanswers | Dec 23, 2022 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 54 (suivant | tout afficher)
Davis has an amusingly dramatic and colloquial writing style that most readers will appreciate as making science entertaining, and cites 16 pages of studies to back up his theories.
ajouté par aspirit | modifierVancouver Sun, Tracy Tufnail (Feb 14, 2012)

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Weiner, TomNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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For Dawn, Bill, Laren, and Jacob, my companions on this wheat-free journey
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Flip through your parents' or grandparents' family albums and you're likely to be struck by how thin everyone looks.
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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

A renowned cardiologist explains how eliminating wheat from our diets can prevent fat storage, shrink unsightly bulges, and reverse myriad health problems.

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Moyenne: (3.63)
1 9
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3 57
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