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Puzzling People: The Labyrinth of the…

Puzzling People: The Labyrinth of the Psychopath (édition 2011)

par Thomas Sheridan

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28Aucun863,277 (3.5)Aucun
As well-researched as a scholarly work, yet with the immediacy and accessibility of a layman, Puzzling People is a first-person account of the cheats, the charlatans, the liars, the neglectful parents, abusive teachers, two-faced politicians and their Psychopathic Control Grid, tyrannical bosses and colleagues from hell we have all encountered, including the lying lovers who use us then lose us in an instant. Puzzling People takes an in-depth look at how the minds of psychopaths work and why, and focusses on what you can do to survive and thrive and ultimately escape forever.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Puzzling People: The Labyrinth of the Psychopath
Auteurs:Thomas Sheridan
Info:Velluminous Press (2011), Paperback, 266 pages
Collections:En cours de lecture

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Puzzling People: The Labyrinth of the Psychopath par Thomas Sheridan


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As well-researched as a scholarly work, yet with the immediacy and accessibility of a layman, Puzzling People is a first-person account of the cheats, the charlatans, the liars, the neglectful parents, abusive teachers, two-faced politicians and their Psychopathic Control Grid, tyrannical bosses and colleagues from hell we have all encountered, including the lying lovers who use us then lose us in an instant. Puzzling People takes an in-depth look at how the minds of psychopaths work and why, and focusses on what you can do to survive and thrive and ultimately escape forever.

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