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Planes and Chisels (Fine Woodworking On)

par Editors of Fine Woodworking

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Well-sharpened planes and chisels may be the most important tools in the woodworking shop. They can be used to make a rough board flat and smooth, to cut slickly fitting joints, or to shape a delicate edge. In this collection of 29 articles from Fine Woodworking magazine, expert craftsmen explain how they choose, sharpen, and use every kind of plane and chisel. There's advice on tool maintenance, plus plans for making your own wooden-bodied planes, and a thorough discussion of sharpening. Fine Woodworking magazine has been the most trusted resource for woodworkers since 1985. To celebrate the 40th anniversary of Fine Woodworking, The Taunton Press is re-releasing a number of classic titles from the early days of the magazine. Long out of print, the books are filled with expert information that's as timeless now as when it was first published.… (plus d'informations)

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Well-sharpened planes and chisels may be the most important tools in the woodworking shop. They can be used to make a rough board flat and smooth, to cut slickly fitting joints, or to shape a delicate edge. In this collection of 29 articles from Fine Woodworking magazine, expert craftsmen explain how they choose, sharpen, and use every kind of plane and chisel. There's advice on tool maintenance, plus plans for making your own wooden-bodied planes, and a thorough discussion of sharpening. Fine Woodworking magazine has been the most trusted resource for woodworkers since 1985. To celebrate the 40th anniversary of Fine Woodworking, The Taunton Press is re-releasing a number of classic titles from the early days of the magazine. Long out of print, the books are filled with expert information that's as timeless now as when it was first published.

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