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The Eleventh Plague par Jeff Hirsch

The Eleventh Plague (édition 2012)

par Jeff Hirsch (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
1,1705917,706 (3.29)27
Twenty years after the start of the war that caused the Collapse, fifteen-year-old Stephen, his father, and grandfather travel post-Collapse America scavenging, but when his grandfather dies and his father decides to risk everything to save the lives of two strangers, Stephen's life is turned upside down.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Eleventh Plague
Auteurs:Jeff Hirsch (Auteur)
Info:Scholastic Paperbacks (2012), Edition: Reissue, 288 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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The Eleventh Plague par Jeff Hirsch


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» Voir aussi les 27 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 59 (suivant | tout afficher)
Very suspenseful. A good young adult read, but not one of my favorites. ( )
  mjphillips | Feb 23, 2024 |
Recommended to me by my 10-year old son, I must say that I enjoyed this story! He thought there was too much kissing in it, by the way. I think the thing I liked most was how the main character, Stephen, thought that his own story was so extreme and unique but then when he allows others to get close to him, he discovers that many shared a similar experience. I thought he was reckless and brave, young and mature; sounds like a pretty good complex character to me! The one thing I think I'd change is the title. This is much more about what happens AFTER the eleventh plague, not the actual plague itself. We are looking forward to the next book, out in October 2012.... ( )
  BarbF410 | May 22, 2022 |
The Eleventh Plague is a solid young adult post apocalypse book, it's not earth shattering, but neither is it of poor quality, it's entirely reasonable. There's plenty of detail about the challenging environment that remains after the collapse of the United States that the protagonist and his father & grandfather find themselves in.

The protagonist faces some adversity with the death of his grandfather, and later his father, and finds himself having to make choices for himself with his own judgement rather than what his fearful grandfather attempted to instill in him. As he faces these unfolding circumstances he also begins to understand some of the choices his father makes after the grandfathers death as the two of them journey across the countryside.

In a way it kind of reminded me of The Road only in young adult format and vastly less depressing. I will say I did find it a little odd that the family that takes the protagonist in as a 'son' also had previously taken in another girl and treated her as their daughter, and yet these two hook up. Strange direction to take things. ( )
  HenriMoreaux | Sep 17, 2019 |
This was such crap! I felt like I was watching a culmination of the awfulness of Anakin Skywalker in EP:2-3, mixed with the same actor from Jump and some other crappy movie where the lead guy is a bonehead and a douche bag that I don't like and therefore don't care about. I didn't get past the 2nd chapter. ( )
  wendithegray | May 1, 2017 |
I HAVE QUESTIONS! [b:The Eleventh Plague|10369932|The Eleventh Plague|Jeff Hirsch||15185764]
OMAGOSH. The feels. Right in the heart. If you like suspense,and feels read this book. This was one of the best books I have read this book but, I still have some questions here they are, before the review.
1: If Marcus & Violet took Stephen in like a son why are him & Jenny hooking up? Its just weird!
2: I still dont understand #1.

My review: I loved this book because, it was based in the distant future when there is a plague called P11- The Eleventh Plague. The Eleventh It has very suspenseful parts that makes you not want to put the book down, so I kept reading it. My favorite character was Stephen because he survived through anything he could during the plague, and my least favorite character was Caleb because he tried to rebel against his own city Settler's landing during the war of the eleventh plague. I would recommend this book to teens,kids, and adults that like suspense and surprise in the book as they keep reading , and remember it was no plague it was a blessing. Surviving it, that's the real plague. Read The Eleventh Plague By:Jeff Hirsch for more! ( )
  christopher.kyle1706 | Dec 8, 2016 |
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Bittner, DanNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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To Gretchen. You never stop changing my life for the better.
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I was sitting at the edge of the clearing, trying not to stare at the body on the ground in front of me.
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Twenty years after the start of the war that caused the Collapse, fifteen-year-old Stephen, his father, and grandfather travel post-Collapse America scavenging, but when his grandfather dies and his father decides to risk everything to save the lives of two strangers, Stephen's life is turned upside down.

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Moyenne: (3.29)
0.5 2
1 9
2 19
2.5 4
3 58
3.5 10
4 57
4.5 2
5 15

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