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Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler's Shadow…

Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler's Shadow (original 2005; édition 2005)

par Susan Campbell Bartoletti (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
1,11610318,827 (4.23)26
History. Geography. Young Adult Nonfiction. HTML:On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany, thanks largely to the efforts of the Hitler Youth, whose organized propaganda marches throughout Germany helped the Nazi Party grow in strength. By 1939, it is estimated that more than seven million boys and girls belonged to the Hitler Youth.
Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler's Shadow is the riveting and often chilling tale of a generation of young people who devoted their energy and passion to the Hitler Youth organization and left an indelible mark on world history. Award-winning author Susan Campbell Bartoletti infuses the work with the voices of both former Hitler Youth members and young people who resisted the powerful Nazi movement. These voices stand alongside those of Jewish youths and others who were senselessly and brutally targeted by the Third Reich. What emerges is the story of average children and teenagers faced with extraordinary and unenviable choices. The paths taken by the Hitler Youth and their struggle to come to terms with their actions at the end of World War II are sure to spark debate among young readers faced with the question of whether the horrors of Hitler's Germany could ever cast dark shadows again.
… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler's Shadow
Auteurs:Susan Campbell Bartoletti (Auteur)
Info:Scholastic (2005), Edition: 1st, 176 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler's Shadow par Susan Campbell Bartoletti (2005)


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» Voir aussi les 26 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 103 (suivant | tout afficher)
This book did a very good job of explaining the Hitler Youth ( )
  NorthElliot | Sep 14, 2022 |
In the wake of Hitler's rise to power, and World War Two, the Nazi party had gained popularity rapidly, and soon it would consume the whole country, forcing Germany to buy into its ideologies. To compensate for the youth of the country, Hitler had the Hitler Youth created, an organization built specifically for the young German boys and girls. Once the war broke out, the Hitler Youth worked hard, enduring long hours to keep Germany ahead of the Allies in terms of manpower. Each child was different, and this caused a bit of unrest among the youth.

This book is an excellent source of information for the Hitler Youth. The author really goes in depth with the stories, and even includes stories from different kids and their experiences. It gives really interesting details about the Hitler Youth before the war, and during it, it also gives some information about what happened to them post-war. This book expands on what happened in the Third Reich in all the right places. ( )
  JTomasulo.ELA2 | Oct 21, 2019 |
Seems like a perfectly good history book for kids. The illustrations really work to make the subject more immediately graspable for children. ( )
  clrichm | Aug 15, 2019 |
At first, Adolf Hitler was ignorant toward the youth of Germany. But at the urging of his supporters, he came to understand the huge potential of Germany’s young people. Girls as future supporters of the Reich, and the boys as future soldiers. Hitler created the Hitler Youth for boys and the BDM (Bund Deutscher Mädel) for girls, between the ages of ten and eighteen. Soon service was mandatory, and by the end of World War II most German children had been in the Hitler Youth.
Also near the end of the war the Hitler Youth fought and protected Berlin until they got nearly wiped out. In the end most youth figured out that they were corrupted and changed.

I liked this book. I gave 4 stars because sometimes it went off topic but other then that it was fine. I really like reading about WWII so I enjoyed the book. It also had good information. I would recommend this book for 7th and 8th graders. It was a great book. ( )
  AveryP.G1 | Jan 2, 2019 |
A brief history of the Hitler Youth building up to, through, and after WWII. A horrifying subject at any time, but made even more terrifying for its similarities to what's happening now in this country. ( )
  electrascaife | Jul 14, 2018 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 103 (suivant | tout afficher)
Gr 5-8-Hitler's plans for the future of Germany relied significantly on its young people, and this excellent history shows how he attempted to carry out his mission with the establishment of the Hitler Youth, or Hitlerjugend, in 1926. With a focus on the years between 1933 and the end of the war in 1945, Bartoletti explains the roles that millions of boys and girls unwittingly played in the horrors of the Third Reich. The book is structured around 12 young individuals and their experiences, which clearly demonstrate how they were victims of leaders who took advantage of their innocence and enthusiasm for evil means. Their stories evolve from patriotic devotion to Hitler and zeal to join, to doubt, confusion, and disillusion. (An epilogue adds a powerful what-became-of-them relevance.) The large period photographs are a primary component and they include Nazi propaganda showing happy and healthy teens as well as the reality of concentration camps and young people with large guns. The final chapter superbly summarizes the weighty significance of this part of the 20th century and challenges young readers to prevent history from repeating itself. Bartoletti lets many of the subjects' words, emotions, and deeds speak for themselves, bringing them together clearly to tell this story unlike anyone else has.-Andrew Medlar, Chicago Public Library, IL Copyright 2005 Reed Business Information.
ajouté par sriches | modifierSchool Library Journal, Andrew Medlar (Jul 22, 2009)
Yes, the Hitler youth is mentioned in most young adult nonfiction on the subject, but to see through this lens creates a completely different book! Bartoletti is quickly becoming a nonfiction writer who tops lists with her engaging writing, viewpoint, obvious dedication to research and knowledge of how important pictures are to the telling for this audience. Her book is filled with chilling quotes, anecdotal stories derived from research and interviews, and stories about how Hitler's young were manipulated and used as a primary source of his power and vision for the future. There are many facts revealed that may be new to readers. For example, the required year of service after graduation, the Landjahr, required youth do everything from clearing forests to shoveling "gravel through sieves for seven full hours" and by 1938 "the Reich Labor Service has turned so many acres of forests and swamps into useful land that it made up for nearly all the territory Germany had lost in the Treaty of Versailles." The author threads through the pages the stories of young heroes who stood up against Hitler, such as Sophie and Hans Scholl who wrote and distributed pamphlets until they were executed. 2005, Scholastic, Ages 11 up.
ajouté par sriches | modifierChildren's Literature, Susie Wilde (Jul 22, 2009)
Bartoletti (Kids on Strike!) offers a unique and riveting perspective on WWII by focusing on the young people who followed Hitler from 1933-1945. The narrative primarily focuses on members of the Hitler Youth, but also profiles some of the group's dissidents and its Jewish targets. Hitler began his quest for dominance with young people, recognizing them as "a powerful political force" and claiming, "With them I can make a new world." Bartoletti describes how the propaganda of the Hitler Youth attracted children: "The overnight camping trips, campfires, and parades sounded like a great deal of fun," said one 12-year-old. But the organization also emphasized loyalty to the Third Reich above all (including family-one eight-year-old, Elisabeth Vetter, turned in her parents to the Nazis). The author personalizes the war by placing identifiable individuals at the center of the events, such as Sophie Scholl, who moved away from Nazi ideas as a teen and in college joined the "White Rose" group that published pamphlets detailing Nazi evils and urging resistance-a crime for which she and others were executed. Powerful black-and-white photographs testify to the lure and also the cruelty of the Nazis. Bartoletti's portrait of individuals within the Hitler Youth who failed to realize that they served "a mass murderer" is convincing, and while it does not excuse the atrocities, it certainly will allow readers to comprehend the circumstances that led to the formation of Hitler's youngest zealots. Ages 7-10. (Apr.) Copyright 2005 Reed Business Information.
ajouté par sriches | modifierPublishers Weekly, Reed Business Information (Jul 22, 2009)
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History. Geography. Young Adult Nonfiction. HTML:On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany, thanks largely to the efforts of the Hitler Youth, whose organized propaganda marches throughout Germany helped the Nazi Party grow in strength. By 1939, it is estimated that more than seven million boys and girls belonged to the Hitler Youth.
Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler's Shadow is the riveting and often chilling tale of a generation of young people who devoted their energy and passion to the Hitler Youth organization and left an indelible mark on world history. Award-winning author Susan Campbell Bartoletti infuses the work with the voices of both former Hitler Youth members and young people who resisted the powerful Nazi movement. These voices stand alongside those of Jewish youths and others who were senselessly and brutally targeted by the Third Reich. What emerges is the story of average children and teenagers faced with extraordinary and unenviable choices. The paths taken by the Hitler Youth and their struggle to come to terms with their actions at the end of World War II are sure to spark debate among young readers faced with the question of whether the horrors of Hitler's Germany could ever cast dark shadows again.

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