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Late in the Antenna Fields

par Alan Gilbert

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Poetry. Alan Gilbert's much anticipated debut threads desire and loss, image and consumption, memory and hope through a dystopian landscape of war, ecological disaster, and the ruins of empire. As in Dante, love is the guiding principle for a personal and social practice, even if paradise is just as likely to bury it all under a mountain of wreckage. "Alan Gilbert's powerful first collection reads like a verbal superconductor collider, wherein the intractable litter of our times careens though dark space, indifferent to our need to pause or reflect; an additive slippage disintegrates the status quo"—Ann Lauterbach. "These poems are like no others...they seethe and roil and bite and play on through the cold lens of a microscope in the scathing and witty lineage of William S. Burroughs.... An enormous achievement"—Anne Waldman.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parO_Hozomeen, poempire, ThirdFactory

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Poetry. Alan Gilbert's much anticipated debut threads desire and loss, image and consumption, memory and hope through a dystopian landscape of war, ecological disaster, and the ruins of empire. As in Dante, love is the guiding principle for a personal and social practice, even if paradise is just as likely to bury it all under a mountain of wreckage. "Alan Gilbert's powerful first collection reads like a verbal superconductor collider, wherein the intractable litter of our times careens though dark space, indifferent to our need to pause or reflect; an additive slippage disintegrates the status quo"—Ann Lauterbach. "These poems are like no others...they seethe and roil and bite and play on through the cold lens of a microscope in the scathing and witty lineage of William S. Burroughs.... An enormous achievement"—Anne Waldman.

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Classification décimale de Melvil (CDD)

811Literature English (North America) American poetry

Classification de la Bibliothèque du Congrès


Moyenne: Pas d'évaluation.

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