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par Sir Patrick Moore

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Patrick Moore introduces the stars and the night sky to complete beginners and children in this brand new, highly illustrated guide. Using simple terms, he brings the mysteries of the sky to a new audience. 'Are you interested in the stars? If so, I will try and help you make a start. Look up in the daytime, when there are no clouds. The sky is blue and the Sun is very bright. Do not look at the Sun for long, or you will hurt your eyes. At night you will see the stars, and for many nights each month you will see the moon too. You cannot see stars in the daytime, because the sky is too bright. The Sun is a star, and seems so bright and hot only because it is much closer than the other stars. If it were just as far away, it would be just like the other stars. The Sun is much larger than the Earth. It is not solid and rocky. Like all stars it is made up of hot gas. Some of the stars you see at night are really much bigger and hotter than the Sun ...'… (plus d'informations)

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Patrick Moore introduces the stars and the night sky to complete beginners and children in this brand new, highly illustrated guide. Using simple terms, he brings the mysteries of the sky to a new audience. 'Are you interested in the stars? If so, I will try and help you make a start. Look up in the daytime, when there are no clouds. The sky is blue and the Sun is very bright. Do not look at the Sun for long, or you will hurt your eyes. At night you will see the stars, and for many nights each month you will see the moon too. You cannot see stars in the daytime, because the sky is too bright. The Sun is a star, and seems so bright and hot only because it is much closer than the other stars. If it were just as far away, it would be just like the other stars. The Sun is much larger than the Earth. It is not solid and rocky. Like all stars it is made up of hot gas. Some of the stars you see at night are really much bigger and hotter than the Sun ...'

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