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Jamaica me dead par Bob Morris

Jamaica me dead (édition 2005)

par Bob Morris

Séries: Zack Chasteen (2)

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1342211,134 (3.75)5
It's opening game of the football season at Florida Field, and Monk DeVane, a former teammate of Zack Chasteen's, invites Zack and his girlfriend to a halftime party in one of the exclusive skyboxes. But they find chaos - there's a bomb under the chair of Darcy Whitehall, Monk Devane's boss and the rakish Jamaican owner of Libido, a chain of anything-goes Caribbean resorts. The bomb turns out to be a dud, but someone is putting the squeeze on Darcy Whitehall, and Monk DeVane enlists Zack to help protect his employer. When Zack arrives in Jamaica things quickly go to hell - more bombs (this time, for real), gnarly Jamaican politics, and the kinky diversions at Libido, where the prime spectator sport is watching guests frolic on the naked flume ride. As if that weren't enough, Zack's snooping around puts him in jeopardy with Freddie Arzghanian, king of the Caribbean money launderers. Suspenseful, laugh-out-loud funny, and with larger-than-life characters, Jamaica Me Dead is Bob Morris at his wicked best.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Jamaica me dead
Auteurs:Bob Morris
Info:New York : St. Martin's Minotaur, 2005.
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Jamaica Me Dead par Bob Morris


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Second Zack Chasteen mystery in which Zack flies to Jamaica to help an old college teammate with security for a millionaire resort owner, only to have his friend blown up in one of the resort’s vans almost immediately after Zack’s arrival. Zack sets out to find who murdered his friend as well as who is continuing to harass the political candidate son of the man Monk was working for, eventually believing they are two separate entities. A light, relatively quick read with a humorous lean, though I have to admit that some of the humor seemed a bit “forced” in this one, and I figured out the mystery way ahead of time. I’ll read more, but it won’t be really high on my priority list. ( )
  Spuddie | Sep 26, 2008 |
right up there with that wacky hiaasen and elmore leonard. just ok for me ( )
  bookwormteri | Oct 18, 2006 |
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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

It's opening game of the football season at Florida Field, and Monk DeVane, a former teammate of Zack Chasteen's, invites Zack and his girlfriend to a halftime party in one of the exclusive skyboxes. But they find chaos - there's a bomb under the chair of Darcy Whitehall, Monk Devane's boss and the rakish Jamaican owner of Libido, a chain of anything-goes Caribbean resorts. The bomb turns out to be a dud, but someone is putting the squeeze on Darcy Whitehall, and Monk DeVane enlists Zack to help protect his employer. When Zack arrives in Jamaica things quickly go to hell - more bombs (this time, for real), gnarly Jamaican politics, and the kinky diversions at Libido, where the prime spectator sport is watching guests frolic on the naked flume ride. As if that weren't enough, Zack's snooping around puts him in jeopardy with Freddie Arzghanian, king of the Caribbean money launderers. Suspenseful, laugh-out-loud funny, and with larger-than-life characters, Jamaica Me Dead is Bob Morris at his wicked best.

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