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The Cotton Queen par Pamela Morsi

The Cotton Queen (original 2006; édition 2006)

par Pamela Morsi

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
1841153,318 (3.42)14
Fiction. Romance. HTML:

The road away from home always seems to lead back to our mothers.

I am not, nor will I ever be, the kind of woman who wears pearls with her apron while cooking meat loaf for her husband. But when I was a kid, my mother, Babs, prepared me to be the next June Cleaverteaching me lessons that belonged to another era. Another world, practically. My mother's world. I couldn't wait to leave home and get away from her. But now, well...let's just say life hasn't turned out quite as I'd planned. And heaven help me, I'm going home.
LANEY HOFFMANCotton Queen, 1975

It's funnyall I ever wanted was to teach my daughter, Laney, how to be a lady so she could find a good husband and take her rightful place in our community. But Laney has always remained convinced that my life and my ideas are, well, pathetic. She has no ideano idea!what it is to lose a husband, to watch your dreams wither while keeping a smile on your face for the neighbors. Now, that is a talent. Laney is probably too smart for her own good, but being smart hasn't kept her out of trouble. Thank heavens I'm here to help pick up the pieces.
BABS HOFFMANCotton Queen First Runner-Up, 1956

… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Cotton Queen
Auteurs:Pamela Morsi
Info:Mira (2006), Paperback
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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The Cotton Queen par Pamela Morsi (2006)


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» Voir aussi les 14 mentions

The Cotton Queen by Pamela Morsi follows the story of two generations of women, a mother and a daughter with the viewpoint shifting back and forth between each chapter. Dealing with issues of trust, understanding, misconceptions, and emotional availability, we follow events in their lives and watch as these two women grown farther and farther apart. Eventually, they realize that they are actually very much alike and that there are times when only family can help.

I thought the author did a good job of showcasing both mother and daughter and presenting the issues that each one faced. It was gratifying to see the personal growth they made, especially the mother, Babs. I also though the ending was fair and realistic, with an understanding reached, but true closeness still needing a great deal of work if ever to be achieved.

I don’t read a lot of books that deal primarily with “women’s issues”, but I enjoyed this book finding it neither too heavy nor too light. The setting of a small town just north of Dallas, Texas was interesting and overall, I found The Cotton Queen to be a pleasant reading experience. ( )
  DeltaQueen50 | Aug 2, 2012 |
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For the people of McKinney, Texas: Although the characters and premise of The Cotton Queen are wholly a work of fiction, the strong bonds of community and warm, welcoming nature of the city's citizens is, pleasantly, factual. Thank you all so much.
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It was still early on the morning of what had been forcasted as a very hot summer day.
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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

The road away from home always seems to lead back to our mothers.

I am not, nor will I ever be, the kind of woman who wears pearls with her apron while cooking meat loaf for her husband. But when I was a kid, my mother, Babs, prepared me to be the next June Cleaverteaching me lessons that belonged to another era. Another world, practically. My mother's world. I couldn't wait to leave home and get away from her. But now, well...let's just say life hasn't turned out quite as I'd planned. And heaven help me, I'm going home.
LANEY HOFFMANCotton Queen, 1975

It's funnyall I ever wanted was to teach my daughter, Laney, how to be a lady so she could find a good husband and take her rightful place in our community. But Laney has always remained convinced that my life and my ideas are, well, pathetic. She has no ideano idea!what it is to lose a husband, to watch your dreams wither while keeping a smile on your face for the neighbors. Now, that is a talent. Laney is probably too smart for her own good, but being smart hasn't kept her out of trouble. Thank heavens I'm here to help pick up the pieces.
BABS HOFFMANCotton Queen First Runner-Up, 1956


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