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Turn Right at Machu Picchu: Rediscovering…

Turn Right at Machu Picchu: Rediscovering the Lost City One Step at a Time (édition 2012)

par Mark Adams

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
1,1183818,759 (3.82)63
Biography & Autobiography. Travel. Nonfiction. HTML:THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING TRAVEL MEMOIR
What happens when an unadventurous adventure writer tries to re-create the original expedition to Machu Picchu?
In 1911, Hiram Bingham III climbed into the Andes Mountains of Peru and “discovered” Machu Picchu. While history has recast Bingham as a villain who stole both priceless artifacts and credit for finding the great archeological site, Mark Adams set out to retrace the explorer’s perilous path in search of the truth—except he’d written about adventure far more than he’d actually lived it. In fact, he’d never even slept in a tent.
Turn Right at Machu Picchu is Adams’ fascinating and funny account of his journey through some of the world’s most majestic, historic, and remote landscapes guided only by a hard-as-nails Australian survivalist and one nagging question: Just what was Machu Picchu?
… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Turn Right at Machu Picchu: Rediscovering the Lost City One Step at a Time
Auteurs:Mark Adams
Info:Plume (2012), Edition: Reprint, Paperback, 333 pages

Information sur l'oeuvre

Machu Picchu, première à droite par Mark Adams


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» Voir aussi les 63 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 37 (suivant | tout afficher)
Educational and entertaining! What more can one ask for? Mark Adams retraces the footsteps of Hiram Bingham, who introduced Machu Picchu to the world in 1911, then Adams returns to confirm the Incas’ engineering was superbly accurate aligning with the winter solstice. Adams is self-deprecating but clearly very brave, willing to expend an enormous effort when he hadn’t so much as tented in his own backyard as a child. A book not to be missed for anyone interested in history, the Incas, South America, travel, Peru, South America, the Andes—or anyone just wanting a good read. My only complaint? The author’s photos weren’t in color and were very small. ( )
  KarenMonsen | Oct 2, 2023 |
Of interest to me because I was able to visit Machu Picchu while in the US Army and on TDY to Peru for six months. ( )
  MrDickie | Jan 10, 2022 |
Lots of fun - nice braiding of history of Inca history, adventures of Incan ruin discoverer Bingham, and author's own trek to follow Bingham's path. ( )
  wordloversf | Aug 14, 2021 |
This is an excellent, well-written account that combines history -- of the Incas, of Hiram Bingham, even of the provenance of Indiana Jones! -- with insight into traveling to and around this fascinating site. It is also an interesting first-person narrative of the author's (well-guided) explorations of the area. I definitely recommend this for anyone thinking of making the trip. ( )
  oatleyr | Aug 22, 2020 |
it's great retelling of machu pichu discovery with current days affairs. ( )
  madhukaraphatak | Aug 12, 2020 |
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As the man dressed head to toe in khaki turned the corner and began racewalking uphill in my direction, I had to wonder: had we met before?
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"I know it's a lot to take in," John said. "Any questions so far?"

I could only think of one. "Is this harder than the Inca Trail?"

For a split second, John looked like he didn't understand me. "Mark, this trek is a lot harder than the Inca Trail."
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Biography & Autobiography. Travel. Nonfiction. HTML:THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING TRAVEL MEMOIR
What happens when an unadventurous adventure writer tries to re-create the original expedition to Machu Picchu?
In 1911, Hiram Bingham III climbed into the Andes Mountains of Peru and “discovered” Machu Picchu. While history has recast Bingham as a villain who stole both priceless artifacts and credit for finding the great archeological site, Mark Adams set out to retrace the explorer’s perilous path in search of the truth—except he’d written about adventure far more than he’d actually lived it. In fact, he’d never even slept in a tent.
Turn Right at Machu Picchu is Adams’ fascinating and funny account of his journey through some of the world’s most majestic, historic, and remote landscapes guided only by a hard-as-nails Australian survivalist and one nagging question: Just what was Machu Picchu?

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