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Dear senator : a memoir by the daughter of…

Dear senator : a memoir by the daughter of Strom Thurmond (édition 2005)

par Essie Mae Washington-Williams, William Stadiem

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19410145,222 (3.64)18
The illegitimate daughter of the late Senator Strom Thurmond breaks her lifelong silence. Her father, the longtime senator from South Carolina, was once the nation's leading voice for racial segregation; he mounted a filibuster against the Civil Rights Act of 1957 -- in the name of saving the South from "mongrelization." Her mother was Carrie Butler, a black teenager who worked as a maid on the Thurmond family's South Carolina plantation. The memoir reveals a brave young woman who struggled with the discrepancy between the father she knew -- financially generous, supportive of her education, even affectionate -- and the old Southern politician who refused to acknowledge their relationship in public.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Dear senator : a memoir by the daughter of Strom Thurmond
Auteurs:Essie Mae Washington-Williams
Autres auteurs:William Stadiem
Info:New York : Regan Books, c2005.
Collections:Harry Ford Books

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Dear Senator par Essie Mae Washington-Williams


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» Voir aussi les 18 mentions

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This is an amazing memoir by Strom Thurmond's Black daughter, Essie Mae. Yes! That Strom Thurmond. Her mother was a 16-year old Black maid employed by Strom Thurmond's family. Whether he loved Essie Mae's mother as much as was claimed in the book cannot be judged without bias. However, her writing suggests that Thurmond loved both of them and it was just politics that kept him from acknowledging them. It is certainly shocking to learn that the Southern champion of segregation had a loving relationship with his hidden family, but that is what she says and there is no reason not to believe it. As a teacher and lover of history, Ms. Washington-Williams brings life to the reality that was the United States — both North and South — for Black people in the 1940's through the end of the century. Through the eyes of a Black person she talks about segregation, racial inequality, her father's love, which grew in expression over the years, and her own love for her father, despite the circumstances. It is an extraordinary story, especially to those of us who look upon Strom Thurmond as one of the worst of the worst of Southern segregationists. This honest and heartfelt story told by Ms. Washington-Willams is well worth reading. ( )
  krazy4katz | Aug 22, 2020 |
Many would likely take Essie Mae's husband's side regarding how she kept secret her relationship to Sen. Strom Thurmond, given the senator's political stance. But she relates her story and experience in a way that helped me appreciate the very emotionally and culturally complex situation she was in. It cannot have been easy to be relegated to the sidelines as your biological father ascended the political ladder to greater heights ("greater" in the sense of going beyond being a small-town lawyer, and not that I believe he was a great man). It also speaks to Essie Mae's deep sense of respect and discretion that she did not come out until after his death, and even then, reluctantly. A provocative autobiography that will have readers examining their own views on race and power in this country. ( )
  Salsabrarian | Feb 2, 2016 |
One of the most prominent Southern politicians and segregationists in American history, Strom Thurmond, has a secret relationship with an African American woman, culminating in the birth of a daughter. Finally, his daughter shares her story. This incredible story offers insights into not only Essie Mae Washington-Williams and her personal life but also delivers a unique view into American history and politics as it relates to race. We gain a good exploration of the history and Southern viewpoints. Essie Mae doesn't just tell us about her life and meetings with her famous father but helps us understand, her father, Strom Thurmond, and how he did right by her despite the constraints of his leadership and upbringing in the American South. ( )
  jwood652 | Oct 21, 2015 |
One of the most prominent Southern politicians and segregationists in American history, Strom Thurmond, has a relationship with a slave culminating in the birth of a daughter. Finally, his daughter shares her story. This incredible story offers insights into not only Essie Mae Washington-Williams and her personal life but also delivers a unique view into American history and politics as it relates to race. We gain a good exploration of the history and Southern viewpoints. Essie Mae doesn't just tell us about her life and meetings with her famous father but helps us understand, her father, Strom Thurmond, and how he did right by her despite the constraints of his leadership and upbringing in the American South. ( )
  jwood652 | Oct 21, 2015 |
What a wonderful lady Essie Mae Washington Williams was. Her love and respect for her father is evident in this eye opening book about her life and her father, Senator Strom Thurmond. ( )
  cathysusanne | Sep 19, 2014 |
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Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Essie Mae Washington-Williamsauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Stadiem, Williamauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé

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Dedicated to my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. My legacy to you is the discovery of your lineage. Continue the journey of life, love, and family. Endure the hardships, and embrace the future. Judge not the ethnicity of the person but, scrutinize the character.

I love each of you. God bless all of you.

In loving memory of my mother, Carrie Butler Clark,

my father James Strom Thurmond,

my aunt, Mary Washington Bowman,

my uncle, John Henry Waashington,

my brother, Willie James Clark, and,

my cousin, Calvin Franklin Burton.
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I always thought I had a fairly normal childhood, until I found out my parents weren't who I thought they were.
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How could people live in such squalor? I wondered. I was about to learn firsthand, because the people who lived in these shacks were my people.
The only way to feel with all this disequilibrium was to ground myself in the obligations of school and work.
“And it will look awful on your resume, to be a dropout. It raises a lot of questions. Schools don’t like those questions. Neither do employers.”
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The illegitimate daughter of the late Senator Strom Thurmond breaks her lifelong silence. Her father, the longtime senator from South Carolina, was once the nation's leading voice for racial segregation; he mounted a filibuster against the Civil Rights Act of 1957 -- in the name of saving the South from "mongrelization." Her mother was Carrie Butler, a black teenager who worked as a maid on the Thurmond family's South Carolina plantation. The memoir reveals a brave young woman who struggled with the discrepancy between the father she knew -- financially generous, supportive of her education, even affectionate -- and the old Southern politician who refused to acknowledge their relationship in public.

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