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Moses Goes to a Concert par Isaac Millman

Moses Goes to a Concert (édition 2002)

par Isaac Millman (Auteur), Isaac Millman (Illustrateur)

Séries: Moses (1)

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3507176,653 (4.51)2
Moses and his schoolmates, all deaf, attend a concert where the orchestra's percussionist is also deaf. Includes illustrations in sign language and a page showing the manual alphabet.
Titre:Moses Goes to a Concert
Auteurs:Isaac Millman (Auteur)
Autres auteurs:Isaac Millman (Illustrateur)
Info:Square Fish (2002), Edition: Reprint, 40 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque
Mots-clés:Deaf, non fiction, gr. 1-8, orchestra, disabilities

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Moses Goes to a Concert par Isaac Millman


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» Voir aussi les 2 mentions

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  TaylorOnyx | Oct 26, 2023 |
I loved this book! Absolutely adorable and the ASL translations were great. ( )
  Georgiaeli | Mar 8, 2022 |
Moses is student who is deaf; he attends a school with all deaf students. He uses American Sign Language to communicate. Moses’s teacher takes him and his classmate on a field trip to a concert. One of the performers were also deaf. She uses her feet to feel the vibration of the music. I really like this book; the picture also shows sample to signing. This would be a great introduction to American Sign Language. ( )
  mollydang318 | Oct 6, 2020 |
Moses Goes to a Concert is a light hearted story about a group of deaf children going to a orchestra. There they learn that even deaf people can be musicians. While light hearted there is still a fairly important message, that disabilities do not define who you are. Anyone can overcome there disabilities and achieve their dreams with proper motivation. As for the illustrations they were very animated. the reader could easily see the motion that was trying to be conveyed on each page. Overall Moses Goes to a Concert is fun book, with a strong message for anyone. ( )
  rtl5624 | Oct 5, 2020 |
Moses Goes to a Concert was an absolute treat! Moses and his classmates go on a field trip to see a concert. However, they're all deaf. When they get to the concert, they realize the percussionist in the orchestra is also deaf! She's able to hear and perform the music by feeling the vibrations through her socked feet. Shocked and delighted, the kids are given a ballon so they'll be able to feel the vibrations of the music playing. In the end, Moses decides he wants to become a percussionist when he grows up. I loved everything about this book, but most of all, how the author and illustrator included excerpts of Moses signing words and phrases as part of the illustration. The ASL alphabet is also included at the end of the book. The message behind this story is an uplifting one: no matter what disability you may have, if you set your mind to it and work hard, you can do anything. ( )
  RaquelRomero | Oct 4, 2020 |
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Moses and his schoolmates, all deaf, attend a concert where the orchestra's percussionist is also deaf. Includes illustrations in sign language and a page showing the manual alphabet.

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