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I Love Bugs! par Philemon Sturges

I Love Bugs! (édition 2006)

par Philemon Sturges (Auteur)

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568543,901 (3.69)2
A boy extols the various characteristics of insects, all of which he loves.
Titre:I Love Bugs!
Auteurs:Philemon Sturges (Auteur)
Info:Scholastic (2006)
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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I Love Bugs! par Philemon Sturges


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5 sur 5
Look through the pages of different kinds of bugs and their different habitats. Great book for beginners.
source: online
age: 3-4
  Dasagai | Oct 24, 2013 |
Has amazing fun facts about bugs. Great for kindergarten. ( )
  Sagittar1us | Jun 12, 2013 |
This is a story about how a child discovers many different types of bugs and how neat they are but he likes the ladybug most of all.
Source: Pierce County Library
Ages: 3-5
  lwight | Mar 13, 2013 |
A book about a little boy and his outdoor adventures and interactions with different insects. It gives children a chance to familiarize themselves with bugs without having to actually be in the presence of bugs - which might be frightening for some children. The illustrations are really in depth and children will be mesmerized!
  DanielleSt | Jul 12, 2010 |
This picture book about bugs is a delight for boys and girls alike! A little boy spends the day exploring the outdoors, snapping pictures of bugs under rocks, in water, on a spider web, etc. The text is brief and in some sentences rhymes. The pictures are full page, with use of deep, bright colors. The bugs are drawn large and show beautiful detail, the kind you can't see looking with the naked eye. They appear in the forefront of the illustrations, with the inquisitive boy in the background. The second to last page shows the boy snapping a picture of his little sister in her ladybug outfit, declaring he loves "this bug best of all". The text appears either at the top or bottom of the pages and sometimes arches around the tops of the bugs themselves. There are no margins or white boarders on any of the pages. The first and last pages, and inside covers, have Polaroid snap shots the boy has taken and labeled of the bugs with the name of the bug bolded and a fun-fact about each below the picture. This is a great book to read because it provides a non-threatening look at bugs and how cool they can be! ( )
  kdangleis | Jul 4, 2010 |
5 sur 5
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Bugs, bugs, bugs! I like bugs.
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A boy extols the various characteristics of insects, all of which he loves.

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Moyenne: (3.69)
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5 2

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