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Elfsong (Forgotten Realms: Songs and Swords…

Elfsong (Forgotten Realms: Songs and Swords (The Harpers), Book 2) (édition 1994)

par Elaine Cunningham

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589141,979 (3.6)5
Fantasy. Fiction. HTML:A mysterious spell threatens the history and legacy of the realms in this second installment in the Song & Swords series
The bards of Waterdeep are known far and wide for their powerful ability to remember the past and to protect the sanctity and ancient history of the realms. But now, a dark spell is threatening the skills they so cherish, and even as the bards sing their ballads, their memories are dangerously altered.
Danilo Thann, Harper and would-be bard, sets out to uncover the mystery and preserve the integrity of his kind. His quest leads him to people and places he never imagined—including the rouge elf Elaith Craulnober, his deadliest enemy and now his newfound companion. They must set aside their differences and come together for the sake of their homeland, for at stake is not merely the future of Faerûn but also its past.
… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Elfsong (Forgotten Realms: Songs and Swords (The Harpers), Book 2)
Auteurs:Elaine Cunningham
Info:Wizards of the Coast (1994), Mass Market Paperback, 31 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

La chanson de l'elfe par Elaine Cunningham


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Los bardos de Aguas Profundas recuerdan el pasado... o eso creen. Porque cuando cantan sus baladas, un misterioso sortilegio cambia sus recuerdos. Danilo Thann, arpista y candidato a bardo, tiene que resolver ese enigma. En su misión, su principal aliado es su peor enemigo, el elfo canalla Elaith Craulnober. Lo que está en juego no es sólo el futuro de Faerun, sino su pasado.
  Natt90 | Mar 1, 2023 |
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To Volo, who guided me
through Waterdeep.
When next we meet,
the ale's on me!
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In the heart of the Northlands, a few days' travel from the great city of Waterdeep, lay a vast, primeval wood known as the High Forest.
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Fantasy. Fiction. HTML:A mysterious spell threatens the history and legacy of the realms in this second installment in the Song & Swords series
The bards of Waterdeep are known far and wide for their powerful ability to remember the past and to protect the sanctity and ancient history of the realms. But now, a dark spell is threatening the skills they so cherish, and even as the bards sing their ballads, their memories are dangerously altered.
Danilo Thann, Harper and would-be bard, sets out to uncover the mystery and preserve the integrity of his kind. His quest leads him to people and places he never imagined—including the rouge elf Elaith Craulnober, his deadliest enemy and now his newfound companion. They must set aside their differences and come together for the sake of their homeland, for at stake is not merely the future of Faerûn but also its past.

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