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Then Sings My Soul: Studies in the Psalms…

Then Sings My Soul: Studies in the Psalms (édition 2007)

par M. Koontz (Auteur)

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If you have found the Psalms a source of comfort and strength, you will love this treatment of the first thirty psalms. Each psalm contains a commentary on the entire psalm, not just a verse or two. You will find the psalms like a mirror reflecting back to you experiences and emotions you yourself have had at one time or another. Thats why the message they carry is as up to date as the morning newspaper. The psalmist has found his solutions in God, and we may find ours there as well. There is an old song which goes, "Where could I go but to the Lord?" The psalmist sounds that note again and again. The old gospel song puts it well, "On Christ the solid Rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand All other ground is sinking sand."… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Then Sings My Soul: Studies in the Psalms
Auteurs:M. Koontz (Auteur)
Info:iUniverse, Inc. (2007), 278 pages
Collections:Liste de livres désirés

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Then Sings My Soul: Studies in the Psalms par M. Koontz

Récemment ajouté parhollieannrose, Drewbuell, philrhurst

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If you have found the Psalms a source of comfort and strength, you will love this treatment of the first thirty psalms. Each psalm contains a commentary on the entire psalm, not just a verse or two. You will find the psalms like a mirror reflecting back to you experiences and emotions you yourself have had at one time or another. Thats why the message they carry is as up to date as the morning newspaper. The psalmist has found his solutions in God, and we may find ours there as well. There is an old song which goes, "Where could I go but to the Lord?" The psalmist sounds that note again and again. The old gospel song puts it well, "On Christ the solid Rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand All other ground is sinking sand."

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