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Immortal Champion (Immortal Brotherhood) par…

Immortal Champion (Immortal Brotherhood) (édition 2011)

par Lisa Hendrix

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Part of a cursed Viking crew, Gunnar the Red must toil through eternity as a half-man, half-beast. Only the magic of true love can release him. Though she is betrothed to another, could Lady Eleanor de Neville be his salvation?
Titre:Immortal Champion (Immortal Brotherhood)
Auteurs:Lisa Hendrix
Info:Berkley (2011), Edition: Original, Paperback, 336 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque
Mots-clés:Immortal Brotherhood, Viking, paranormal historical romance

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Immortal Champion par Lisa Hendrix


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IMMORTAL CHAMPION by author Lisa Hendrix is about a man who lives under a wicked witch's curse.

Sir Gunnar lives life as a man during night time only to turn into a bull as soon as the sun rises.

Gunner is haunted by his solitary existence. He is an honorable, kind and brave man. He saves Lady Eleanor de Neville from a certain death when he goes to the aid of some people trapped in a burning building. At the time she was just a teenaged girl.

Lady Eleanor is unable to forget the incredible Knight who saved her.

Years later the two meet again and this time Eleanor is determined to win Gunner. She is betrothed to a young man but she does not want the marriage. She hopes that Gunner can save her from this fate. Lady Eleanor is bold, she knows she wants the mysterious knight and she sets out ways to snag his attention. She is aware that he has feelings for her. Will she succeed in her quest?

Gunner is enchanted with fair Eleanor and he believes she could be the one to break the spell but it requires a lot of trust on his part. Will Gunnar let himself trust Eleanor?

IMMORTAL CHAMPION is a touching story that will have the reader tearing up at the heartfelt emotion from each of the characters. It is a poignant tale of grief and self-discovery as much as recovery from emotional betrayal. ( )
  NasDean | Sep 12, 2011 |
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Part of a cursed Viking crew, Gunnar the Red must toil through eternity as a half-man, half-beast. Only the magic of true love can release him. Though she is betrothed to another, could Lady Eleanor de Neville be his salvation?

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Lisa Hendrix est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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