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Witches of East End (Witches of the East)…

Witches of East End (Witches of the East) (original 2011; édition 2013)

par Melissa De la Cruz (Auteur)

Séries: Beauchamp Girls (1)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
1,19511317,158 (3.31)20
Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:From the author of the highly addictive and bestselling Blue Bloods series, with almost 3 million copies sold, comes a new novel, Melissa de la Cruz's first for adults, featuring a family of formidable and beguiling witches.
The three Beauchamp women-Joanna and her daughters Freya and Ingrid-live in North Hampton, out on the tip of Long Island. Their beautiful, mist-shrouded town seems almost stuck in time, and all three women lead seemingly quiet, uneventful existences. But they are harboring a mighty secret-they are powerful witches banned from using their magic. Joanna can resurrect people from the dead and heal the most serious of injuries. Ingrid, her bookish daughter, has the ability to predict the future and weave knots that can solve anything from infertility to infidelity. And finally, there's Freya, the wild child, who has a charm or a potion that can cure most any heartache.
For centuries, all three women have been forced to suppress their abilities. But then Freya, who is about to get married to the wealthy and mysterious Bran Gardiner, finds that her increasingly complicated romantic life makes it more difficult than ever to hide her secret. Soon Ingrid and Joanna confront similar dilemmas, and the Beauchamp women realize they can no longer conceal their true selves. They unearth their wands from the attic, dust off their broomsticks, and begin casting spells on the townspeople. It all seems like a bit of good-natured, innocent magic, but then mysterious, violent attacks begin to plague the town. When a young girl disappears over the Fourth of July weekend, they realize it's time to uncover who and what dark forces are working against them.
With a brand-new cast of characters, a fascinating and fresh world to discover, and a few surprise appearances from some of the Blue Blood fan favorites, this is a page-turning, deliciously fun, magical summer read fraught with love affairs, witchcraft, and an unforgettable battle between good and evil.
"A sexy, magical romp, sure to bring de la Cruz a legion of new fans." — Kelley Armstrong, New York Times bestselling author of The Otherworld series.
… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Witches of East End (Witches of the East)
Auteurs:Melissa De la Cruz (Auteur)
Info:Sphere (2013), 288 páginas
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Les Sorcières de North Hampton par Melissa De la Cruz (2011)


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» Voir aussi les 20 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 114 (suivant | tout afficher)
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
I read this book years after it was popular and having done so, I'm surprised it was made into a tv series. The characters were very flat and I couldn't connect with any of them until the end. The women did not seem like family or to particularly care about each other. The pacing was extremely slow in most of the book and then everything conveniently came together and wrapped up quickly. I won't continue reading the series. ( )
  ad_astra | Apr 23, 2024 |
  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
Witches of East End blew me away. It's a paranormal mystery of sorts that includes just the right amount of romance - enough to make the reader root for certain couples, but not too much as to distract from the overall plot. Melissa de la Cruz has crossed over to writing for adults beautifully here and I am on the edge of my seat waiting to see what's next for the Beauchamps and the rest of the East End residents. ( )
  b00kdarling87 | Jan 7, 2024 |
I initially thought that this was going to be an engrossing and quick read starting as it did with a wonderful description of the town where the main storyline was to take place. This idea was quickly dismissed when the younger of the two sisters was introduced.

The main characters of this book are the ‘witches’ mentioned in the title and, in my opinion, the Author could have left the younger sister out of the book altogether and it would not have done any harm. She is written as being perfect in a non-perfect way and, after struggling through this book for almost half its entirety I finally got fed up of reading about her heaving boobs and put the book to one side. I did like the character of the Mother; she was practical and quite strong with her elder daughter possessing a lot of her traits. However, these two characters were not enough to keep me ploughing on until the end.

Locale description were wonderful, and make the reader feel as if they are walking the dunes, can hear the crash of the waves and, in some instances long for a life in a sleepy small town that the world does not mess with. But again, this was not enough to keep me reading and was definitely not enough to bolster up a lacking plot, if in fact there were any in the book at all.

I can’t in all honesty recommend this book to any other readers, except those who are diehard fans of this Author, and I very much doubt that I will be reading anything written by them again. For the pure reasoning of not finishing the book, it now holds the dubious place of being the only one I have reviewed that I did not finish and, therefore, have not given a rating to.

Originally reviewed on:

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( )
  Melline | Aug 13, 2022 |
Norse pantheon represent! Kind of a fun idea, but the pacing was odd -- too slow for about 3/4 of the book (are they really so clueless?) followed by lightning fast understanding of everything! and its implications! Of course! -- and by this I mean moving along gradually for about 240 pages, then zip! wrapped up, all mysteries understood, explained, reolved in...25 pages. That includes the epilogue. ( )
  jennybeast | Apr 14, 2022 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 114 (suivant | tout afficher)
A decidedly weird mishmash of mythologies, a serpentine plot and a thicket of back stories intertwine as de la Cruz sets up the continuing saga, but it all gels magnificently.
ajouté par Shortride | modifierKirkus Reviews (May 1, 2011)

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"When shall we three meet again,
In thunder, lighting or in rain?
When the burlyburly's done,
When the battle's lost and won..." - Shakespeare's Macbeth

"Must be the season of the witch." - Luna

"It is possible that some Waelcyrgean chose to abandon
Valhalla and settle in various parts of the country, where
they began a new existence as witches." - from Encyclopedia of Things That Never Were by Michael Page and Robert Ingpen
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To my family
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North Hampton did not exist on any map, which made locating the small, insular community on the very edge of the Atlantic coast something of a conundrum to outsides, who were known to wander in by chance only to find it impossible to return; so that the place, with its remarkably empty silver-sand beaches, rolling green fields, and imposing, rambling farmhouses, became more of a half-remembered dream than a memory.
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Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:From the author of the highly addictive and bestselling Blue Bloods series, with almost 3 million copies sold, comes a new novel, Melissa de la Cruz's first for adults, featuring a family of formidable and beguiling witches.
The three Beauchamp women-Joanna and her daughters Freya and Ingrid-live in North Hampton, out on the tip of Long Island. Their beautiful, mist-shrouded town seems almost stuck in time, and all three women lead seemingly quiet, uneventful existences. But they are harboring a mighty secret-they are powerful witches banned from using their magic. Joanna can resurrect people from the dead and heal the most serious of injuries. Ingrid, her bookish daughter, has the ability to predict the future and weave knots that can solve anything from infertility to infidelity. And finally, there's Freya, the wild child, who has a charm or a potion that can cure most any heartache.
For centuries, all three women have been forced to suppress their abilities. But then Freya, who is about to get married to the wealthy and mysterious Bran Gardiner, finds that her increasingly complicated romantic life makes it more difficult than ever to hide her secret. Soon Ingrid and Joanna confront similar dilemmas, and the Beauchamp women realize they can no longer conceal their true selves. They unearth their wands from the attic, dust off their broomsticks, and begin casting spells on the townspeople. It all seems like a bit of good-natured, innocent magic, but then mysterious, violent attacks begin to plague the town. When a young girl disappears over the Fourth of July weekend, they realize it's time to uncover who and what dark forces are working against them.
With a brand-new cast of characters, a fascinating and fresh world to discover, and a few surprise appearances from some of the Blue Blood fan favorites, this is a page-turning, deliciously fun, magical summer read fraught with love affairs, witchcraft, and an unforgettable battle between good and evil.
"A sexy, magical romp, sure to bring de la Cruz a legion of new fans." — Kelley Armstrong, New York Times bestselling author of The Otherworld series.

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