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A Hope Undaunted

par Julie Lessman

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2761699,685 (4.02)Aucun
As the 1920s draw to a close, smart and feisty Katie O'Connor is looking for a husband. But it won't be easy to choose between her good-looking, well-connected, and wealthy boyfriend Jake and the man she swore to despise forever. A highly charged romance.

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Affichage de 1-5 de 16 (suivant | tout afficher)
Katie O'Connor, part of the large O'Connor family, has her plans upended when her father - and the stock market crash - force her into working as an intern instead of going to school. There she is none too pleased to be working with Cluny McGee, whom she has disliked since childhood. Her dreams of marrying her wealthy boyfriend Jack, getting a college education, and becoming a force for change seem to be on hold but she hopes to reclaim them. But her physical attraction for Cluny, and her desire to help others, may by leading her in in a different direction.
I liked most of the basic storyline of this book, but parts of it I disliked such as the emphasis on (and continued writing about) the physical attraction between the characters. A certain type of Christian fiction romance reader would enjoy this one and more like it, but not me. ( )
  debs4jc | Oct 11, 2021 |
great heat between the main characters great story of redemption = a great read! ( )
  MeezCarrie | Aug 31, 2015 |
Wow! Was I excited to get this book as a free download from amazon! And when I realized that A Hope Undaunted was the beginning of a new trilogy by Julie Lessman that continues with three wonderful stories of members of the O'Connor family, I did mental cartwheels and sat down to read. This book provided me with many hours of reading pleasure as the youngest O'Connor daughter, Katie, is spotlighted. I so loved this book. ( )
  RomanceReaderToo | Nov 3, 2014 |
Katie O'Connor is a stubborn, spit-fire whose beau, Jack Worthington, is "wrapped around her finger", and meets all the criteria on her list: wealthy, handsome, and well-connected. Her plans to marry Jack, enter law school, and fight for women's rights, are interrupted when she is unexpectedly forced to spend the summer away from Jack, and work with childhood friend Luke, aka "Cluny", McGee, with whom she had a love/hate relationship. Even though the scrawny, dirty, street-wise "Cluny" has grown into a tall, handsome, intelligent lawyer - the sparks fly between them from the first chapter. In a family filled with faith - Katie questions hers, and fights with her father for control of her life, and the expressions of his love she feels she is lacking.

"A Hope Undaunted" - the first novel in the Winds of Change trilogy - opens in 1929 Boston, and is the continuation of the O'Connor family saga, which started with the Daughters of Boston trilogy. Warm interactions between family members previously introduced - continue in "A Hope Undaunted", as well as that of numerous new characters, among them - scene stealer Gabe, a feisty, eight year old orphan, and Parker Riley - Katie's kind, easy-going boss.

There are numerous "twists-and-turns" in "A Hope Undaunted" - as in all of Julie Lessman's novels - both heart-breaking and heart-warming. I experienced many emotions while reading this beautiful, powerful, classic Julie Lessman, story - that is filled with humor, drama, tears, anger, romance, excitement, angst, passion, characters so realistic I feel I know them personally, and an inspirational family of faith, whose love and passion is centered around God, and which drew me closer to Him through their experiences!!

Julie Lessman is a master at her craft - her novels inspire and touch me deeply!! They're hard to put down, bring me joy with their happy endings, always leave me wanting more, and leave warm memories that last long after finishing them!! ( )
  BonnieRoof | Mar 31, 2014 |
i received this book for free in exchange for posting an honest review.
The book is set in the late 1920's just before and running into the Depression. After getting caught coming in after curfew Katey, a badly spoiled rich girl must face the consequences. In addition to being kept from seeing her boyfriend for some time, she must volunteer for the entire summer at a local orphanage. There she is surprised to see that her boss is her former childhood nemesis.
This book was wonderful. Julie Lessman, captured the essence of the era perfectly. I think that the younger generations will be surprised on tithes lack of freedom granted to women at that time.
The book does make mention of the Christian faith. The author got the importance of faith without being preachy.
With surprises at every turn this book will keep you reading. I couldn't quit until I found out what happened next. I was awake all night. ( )
  lexiesmom | Aug 14, 2013 |
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As the 1920s draw to a close, smart and feisty Katie O'Connor is looking for a husband. But it won't be easy to choose between her good-looking, well-connected, and wealthy boyfriend Jake and the man she swore to despise forever. A highly charged romance.

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