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The archaeolojesters par Andreas Oertel

The archaeolojesters (édition 2010)

par Andreas Oertel

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323773,413 (3.83)1
Twelve-year-old Cody and his friends, hoping to bring tourists back to Sultana, Manitoba, come up with a plan to stage a fake archaeological find, but when a suspicious visitor starts following the kids, they realize things may have gone too far.
Titre:The archaeolojesters
Auteurs:Andreas Oertel
Info:Montréal : Lobster Press, c2010.
Collections:Recent additions

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The Archaeolojesters par Andreas Oertel


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What would you do to help your best friend? Twelve year old Cody learns his best friend Eric and Eric's twin sister Rachel may have to move from their small town of Sultana. Business has been down in this sleepy little town and Eric and Rachel's mom may lose her job as a waitress at the restaurant. Eric and Cody decide they need something that will bring people back into their town. They decide to create an Egyptian place complete with hieroglyphs and bury it in the river so that it can be discovered. But what happens when it is actually discovered and they bring in archaeologist from Egypt? Will it still pass the test? If not what will be the consequences? This was a fun book to read. I think it will keep kids interested from the beginning to the end. ( )
  skstiles612 | Nov 26, 2010 |
Reviewed by Kira M for

When Cody, Eric, and Rachel create a fake Ancient Egyptian tablet in order to bring tourism to Sultana, they bite off more than they can chew.

The elderly doctor, who the trio set up for finding the tablet, turns out to be a doctor of Archaeology and he calls in the experts to discover if the find is real. To make matters worse, a mysterious, suspicious man starts hanging around the dig site and trailing the trio's every move.

Has the three's hoax gotten out of control? Why is the man following them?

A fun adventure filled with short chapters, mystery, and suspense. The characters are well-developed, the plot is unique, and the background research is accurate. Readers who like both adventure and Ancient Egypt will enjoy reading THE ARCHAEOLOJESTERS. ( )
  GeniusJen | Aug 10, 2010 |
Reviewed by Kira M for

After Rachel, Cody, and Eric created a fake "ancient Egyptian" tablet that brought tourism to Sultana, Manitoba, the trio won a trip to Cairo to see some real artifacts. But when they arrive in Egypt with their chaperone, Aubrey, they get kidnapped by Dr. Bruno Wassler and Rudi, the German guys who tried to steal their fake tablet back in Manitoba!

They soon discover that Mit Rahina is not only the site for a popular Egyptian museum, but home to three pillars. Every thirteen years, an astronomical anomaly occurs that allows anyone born during the four days after summer solstice to travel back in time via the pillars.

While studying the pillars, the doctor's daughter, Anna, fell back in time and doesn't know how to get back. To make matters worse, while learning about the pillars, Rachel falls back in time, as well! Now, Cody and Eric must travel back in time and rescue the two girls before their window of opportunity closes.

If they don't return in time, they'll be stuck in the past for thirteen more years! Can they succeed?

PILLARS OF TIME is a fun-filled adventure for time travel fans. The plot and characters are fairly well-developed, and the pacing of the novel is done well and keeps the reader's interest. Those who like science, adventure, and action will enjoy reading this second title in THE ARCHAEOLOJESTERS series. ( )
  GeniusJen | Aug 5, 2011 |
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Twelve-year-old Cody and his friends, hoping to bring tourists back to Sultana, Manitoba, come up with a plan to stage a fake archaeological find, but when a suspicious visitor starts following the kids, they realize things may have gone too far.

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