So, anyone want to discuss anything? (Hello, anyone out there) :)

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So, anyone want to discuss anything? (Hello, anyone out there) :)

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Mar 9, 2007, 10:56 am

Anyone with good books on taking pictures? Anyone with hints on how to take pictures of your book covers so that they could then be used on LT?

: Books - taking pictures: When I first got my digital camera, I acquired many books from the library so that I could actually do more than point and click. Unfortunately, it has been more than 1 or 2 years since that day, so I can't recall anything now to offer up. Quite interested, though, in increasing my ability as a photographer, if anyone is willing to suggest any books.

: Hints: I haven't mastered the "trick" yet, though I have practiced and ended with a wide range of quality - from low quality to mid-level quality. So, anyone have any hints?

Mar 9, 2007, 11:07 am

I always had a hard time getting good pictures of my books (the light would always mess me up). Now, however, I have a scanner, and have been madly adding images to my catalogue.

Mar 9, 2007, 11:25 am

Scanners do work better than taking photographs, but my last scanner broke. I do not have the money to replace it, so I'm stuck with trying to figure out how to photograph covers without odd lights/shadows/etc.

Mar 9, 2007, 11:34 am

I'd love some tips, too. A lot of my books, particularly art books, are way too large for the scanner's bed.

I actually didn't go out intending to get a scanner, either. I bought a new computer, and, as seems to be usual these days, they threw in a free printer, which turned out also to be a scanner and a copier! Who knew?

Mar 29, 2007, 11:24 pm

I've taken a great many hand-held photographs with my Canon PowerShot A510. I could have bought a tripod, but what the heck... I often took three photographs of the same cover and kept the best!

Avr 26, 2007, 3:07 pm

I've got a CASIO Exlim at the moment and I've worked out I have to turn off flash to get a good book-cover shot. The Canon Powershot I had was much smarter, although I hear the new Casio has an optimised-for-eBay setting. Very good for slackers like me :)