
Young Adult (1,085), Fantasy (1,075), Contemporary (459), Children's (455), Middle Grade (438), Comics (389), Romance (376), Non-Fiction (369), Manga (335), Queer (331), Magic (328), Marvel Comics (304), Science Fiction (284), Fairy Tales and Folklore (239), Comics - Superhero (213), ARC (201), Japanese (194), Friendship (185), Short Stories (166), Juvenile Fiction (159), Superheroes (154), #UpForGrabs (140), Mythology and Legends (139), Shonen and Seinen (137), #KeptIn BB House (136), Translated From Japanese (135), Coming-of-Age (131), Gay (128), LC - 20200331 (124), Horror (124), Music (120), Humour (120), Retelling (116), Fairies and Fairy-Folk (114), LC - 20200330 (108), LC - 20200402 (107), High School (105), Shelf CM-C-03 (104), Reference (103), Anthology (101), Family (101), LC - 20210915 (99), Shojo and Josei (99), LC - 20200326 (99), Arashi (98), Picture Book (96), DC Comics (96), Historical Fiction (94), Non-Book (93), Adventure (93), LC - 20200405 (88), CDs (87), LC - 20200407 (86), Illustrated (86), Books and Reading (82), LC - 20210923 (81), LC - 20200418 (76), Dystopian (73), Collection (71), Witches (70), Lesbian (69), Death (69), Shelf YA-A-03 (68), LGBTQ (67), Shelf MG-A-02 (67), Mystery (67), American Literature (66), Japanese Literature (65), Single (65), LC - 20200322 (64), Shonen Ai and Yaoi (63), Biography and Memoir (62), Shelf YA-A-01 (62), 20th Century (62), 21st Century (61), Shelf LI-C-04 (61), Vampires (60), Shelf YA-A-02 (60), Shelf YA-A-04 (60), Magical Realism (59), Shelf MG-B-04 (58), LC - 20200319 (57), Gaming (56), Poetry (56), X-Men (56), Shelf CM-C-05 (55), Shelf YA-B-02 (55), Grief (55), LC - 20200329 (55), Speculative Fiction (52), Character - Kamala Khan (51), LC - 20200420 (50), History (49), Shelf MG-B-02 (49), Boarding School (49), Shelf LI-C-05 (49), Marvel - Ms Marvel (48), Siblings (48), LC - 20200417 (47), LC - 20220731 (47), Signed (46), LC - 20200424 (46), Essays (46), Shelf YA-B-04 (46), Shelf YA-C-04 (46), Bisexual (46), Shelf YA-A-05 (45), Shelf CM-C-02 (45), Supernatural (45), Shelf MG-B-01 (44), Shelf YA-B-05 (44), Character - Carol Danvers (43), Shelf MG-B-05 (43), Marvel - Captain Marvel (43), Shelf YA-B-03 (43), LC - 20200406 (42), LC - 20200408 (42), Bullying (42), Malaysian Literature (42), Shelf LI-A-03 (42), Shelf YA-C-05 (42), Image Comics (41), Shelf MG-A-05 (41), LC - 20220813 (41), Marvel - X-Men (41), LC - 20200416 (40), LC - 20200318 (40), LC - 20200410 (39), Orphans (39), LC - 20200327 (39), Time Travel (39), Shelf MG-B-03 (37), Being Different (37), Shelf YA-C-02 (37), Alternate History (37), Greek Mythology (36), Wizards (36), Food and Drinks (36), Mental Illness (36), Art (36), LC - 20230909 (36), British Literature (35), Shelf CM-C-04 (35), Feminism (34), LC - 20210204 (34), Box - 02 (34), Mystery and Thriller (34), Shelf LI-B-01 (34), Shelf YA-B-01 (33), Sisters (33), Suicide (33), Shelf MG-A-01 (33), Box - 01 (32), Vertigo (32), Shelf MG-A-03 (32), TTRPG (32), Werewolves (32), Literary Criticism (31), Ghosts (31), Shelf MG-A-04 (30), Depression (29), Character - Bruce Wayne (28), Historical (28), DC - Batman (28), Language (27), #missing (27), Achillean (26), Sports (26), Animals (26), Abuse (25), LC - 20200328 (25), Dungeons and Dragons (25), Shelf LI-A-01 (25), Dragons (25), WWII (24), Go (24), Paranormal (24), #GaveTo Kit (24), Shelf LI-B-04 (24), RPG (24), Graphic Novel (24), Magic School (23), Disability (23), Steampunk (23), Thriller (23), Post-Apocalyptic (22), 19th Century (22), Space Opera (22), Newbery Medal (22), Shelf LI-A-02 (22), Religion (22), Philosophy (21), Identity (21), LC - 20200509 (21), Shelf YA-C-01 (21), Demons (21), Martial Arts (21), Shelf BB-A-01 (21), Japan (20), Chapter Book (20), LC - 20200427 (20), Travel (20), Road Trip (19), Poverty (19), Shelf YA-C-03 (19), Zines (19), Multiverse (19), Mental Health (19), Science (19), Children's Literature (19), Shelf CM-B-06 (18), Relationships (18), Coming Out (18), War (18), Politics (18), Immigrants (18), Wizards of the Coast (18), Shelf LI-B-03 (17), Comics - Fantasy (17), Racism (17), Gender (17), Portal Fantasy (17), LC - 20200429 (17), Parallel Universe (17), Princesses and Queens (17), Album (17), Bookstores and Libraries (17), Cooking (16), Shelf LI-B-06 (16), Arthurian (16), Historical Fantasy (16), Newbery Honor (16), Tor (16), LC - 20220729 (16), Comics - Horror (16), Sapphic (15), Marvel - Spider-Man (15), Cats (15), Character - Miles Morales (15), Brothers and Sisters (15), Canadian Literature (15), Drawn and Quarterly (15), LC - 20220417 (15), LC - 20221224 (15), Character - Amadeus Cho (14), Photo Books (14), Muslim (14), Comics - SFF (14), General Fiction & Literature (14), Perzine (14), Novella (14), First Second (14), Transgender (14), Mothers and Daughters (14), Omnibus (14), Culture (13), #Sold (13), Snow White (13), Rape (13), Mermaids (13), Zine: Malaysian (13), Study Guide (13), Character - Sam Alexander (13), Slice-of-Life (13), Pirates (13), Monsters (13), Gods and Goddesses (13), Aliens (13), Magazine - Pop Culture (12), Magazine - Feminism (12), Quest (12), Comics - High School (12), Divorce (12), Thieves (12), Marvel - X-23 (12), Murder (12), Character - Laura Kinney (12), Character - Scott Summers (12), Webcomics (12), Gothic (12), Character - Viv Vision (12), Theatre (12), Autism (12), Suspense (12), Batman (12), Punk (12), Fandom (12), Twins (11), Marvel - Honeybadger (11), Toys (11), DC - Catwoman (11), Comics - Mystery (11), Zine: Half-Size (11), LC - 20211007 (11), Pathfinder (11), Archie Comics (11), (11), Malaysia (11), From Mummy (11), Captain Marvel (11)
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Inscrit depuis
Jan 20, 2007
Nom réel
A propos de ma bibliothèque

I'm currently trying to downsize my collection, but I keep buying more books! Most of my books are YA fiction, and fiction/non-fiction related to my special interests.

A propos de moi

I'm aro/ace, enby, and autistic. I work as a YA/Children's and Comics buyer for a bookstore chain in my city. I'm obsessed with folklore/mythology/fairy tales, children's literature, and comics. I've been making zines since I was a kid, and still love doing so now - these days, I do more minizines because they're easy to make copies of and distribute.

Lieu (géographique)
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Favoris locaux

Librairies: Books Kinokuniya - Kuala Lumpur, BooksActually, Pay Less Books - Ampang Point

Autre: Seksan Gallery

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